Welcome to Dianiss' Desktop

This site is a repository of things that I've created and written over the years, primarily related to the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic.  I created this site in late 2023 because of the loss of several game & guild web sites that were previously hosted on Enjin.com, which decided to get out of the business of web site hosting.  Losing those sites meant that all my stuff abruptly disappeared from the web, so this site is the new permanent home for my more interesting posts, stories, guides, parodies, and whatnot.

Oh, I'm Dianiss.  Pleased to meet you.

That's not my real name, of course; it's the alias that I use for most of my gaming activities (especially SWTOR).  The name ultimately comes from the name of one of my main characters in the game, and over time it's become what most people there call me.

A handful of my gaming friends do know my real name and I'm pleased to have been able to meet face-to-face with about a half-a-dozen of them.  Maybe you'll be next!

Anyway, I hope you find the things on this site useful, or entertaining (or both).


I should also take this time to say a few words about this site's Privacy Policy.  It's simple:
This site 100% consists of simple, static content.  It does not collect personal data of any kind at any time.  To the extent that cookies are used, they are never more than an incidental part of the operation of the web server software and are not actually used for anything.