
Class: Sith Inquisitor / Sorcerer
Race: Human
Age: ~ 48 (despite appearing to be in her late 20's)
Alignment: Dark
Crew Skill: Biochem
Character Concept:
An "Evil Dianiss" (as if it weren't obvious)
Important Relationships:
- Dianiss (her daughter)
- Zarvell (Dianiss' father)
- Synzia [Guild Character] (a long-time friend/rival)

Lady Sianid is in many ways the ideal Sith: strong in the Force, completely devoted to the Dark Side, and willing to use any sort of manipulation and betrayal to accomplish her goals. The thing that sets her apart from others is a thirst for arcane knowledge and a tendency to use other skills more than her knowledge of the Force to accomplish her goals.

Chief among these skills is her expertise in Biochemistry, where she has developed a deep knowledge of poisons to use both for weakening opponents and for murdering them with precise timing and complete lack of traceability back to her. (She also finds it useful for vanity's sake to keep herself looking much younger than she is.) This devotion to the study of poisons has earned her the nickname "Lady Cyanide", which she publicly disavows but privately enjoys for the fear it inspires in others.

Sianid's interest in the history and ancient rites and rituals of the Sith caught the early attention of like-minded Darth Zash, who eventually took on Sianid as an apprentice but later tried to betray and take Sianid's body for her own. While the attempt was ultimately thwarted, Sianid took careful notes and continued to study the details of the ritual in preparation for using it--or some more suitable variation of it--herself at some later time.

That time came when Sianid learned of her connection to Lord Kallig, and through her research (and clues from his ghost) was able to learn how to literally create the perfect victim for an older, more pure version of the ritual that would allow her to consume the life-force and power, rather than the physical body, of the victim by applying a form of Force-Walking to a living being. According to her discoveries, the child of two Sith, conceived after the proper ritual, would be born in possession of an exponential combination of the power of the parents. This much was, as Sith rituals go, fairly commonplace. But by finding a suitable father who had also been touched by Kallig's ghost, THAT power would be similarly multiplied in the offspring.

In any other Sith, that much power would completely consume body and mind instantly. But with Sianid's genetics having been altered to handle it by the Rakata healing device, the baby would also inherit that ability to handle it, and be acclimated to the increased power literally from the moment of conception.

She then continued the pregnancy with a daily routine of Dream-Walking to assimilate the power of the ghosts she'd acquired with the unborn child...too small to be possessed or even noticed by the ghosts themselves, and to guard the child from ever being possessed by them until birth, when it would be too late. The newborn child would have much more power, but be protected--from birth--from the mind-destroying effects.

All that would then remain would be raising the child to an age where her power can be fully awakened, which for humans is about 9 years old--the age when Sith Initiates begin training. (A newborn baby's powers are dormant until then, so it would do no good to absorb her non-power until then.) In addition, the familial bond of mother and child would make it a certainty that the Force-Walking ritual could be completed without complications, leading to a level of power that would rival (and maybe exceed) the Emperor himself.

It took a few years, but eventually she discovered the existence of a Sith by the name of Zarvell who was, though astronomically unlikely, also a descendent of Lord Kallig. And although she was successful in getting close to him and seducing him (with some small amount of chemical assistance), the father of her baby girl would ultimately be her undoing.

By age 4 it was already clear that her daughter (whom she named "Dianiss") was indeed in possession of extraordinary power in the Force. While Sianid took little interest in being a mother (considering it beneath her and leaving those duties to her father), she did pay very close attention to the girl's training and development. By age 8 she was almost old enough and prepared enough for the ritual.

But there was a problem: the young Sith was always SUPPOSED to be Sianid's property to use and eventually murder as she had always intended, but Zarvell had, against all sanity and probability, become a loving father and formed a close bond with the young girl. This meant that Zarvell would have to be destroyed, and the best way to accomplish that was through his older son Zedemm.

One thing she learned about the young blademaster was that his success was based more on physical skill and training than a strong connection to the Force, so taking away his physical abilities would be the key to ensuring his defeat, his death, and enough emotional weakening of Zarvell to allow her to kill him as well.

For this, she enlisted the aid of a young Sith pureblood named Vilaniss, who was a rival of Zedemm's and shared her hatred of both him and his father. Using her knowledge of chemistry and poisons, she prepared her champion with adrenals and stimulants before the ambush, and lay in wait to afflict Zedemm with a gaseous poison that would diminish his human strength and speed without affecting the Pureblood attacker. Zedemm fought surprisingly well, but his defeat was already assured.

Leaving nothing to chance, Sianid also prepared a ritual that would cut Zedemm off from the Force, and waited for the right moment to complete it so that it would appear to be the result of an injury rather than manipulation. In that at least, the plan was a complete success--Zedemm was defeated but not killed, yet damaged beyond repair. Soon enough his life would be ended by someone else, keeping her own hands clean of it when it inevitably occurs.

But Zarvell's reputation for strategy and unpredictability was well-earned, and incredibly--infuriatingly--he was somehow prepared for this contingency. Plans for arranging the appearance of the girl's death (to put an end to the Empire's annoying interest in Dianiss and her abilities) were already in motion, but yet another program called her off to Voss at the same inconvenient time that both she and Zarvell were being called before the Dark Council to decide how young Dianiss' training would proceed. At the meeting, Zarvell was calm and serene as always (and as always it gave her the willies) but also seemed somehow . . . happy. She knew that he was aware of what happened to his son, so it was her first clue that something must be going wrong.

Unfortunately, there would only BE two clues, the second of which was that by the next day, both of Zarvell's children were inexplicably . . . gone. An investigation showed that the Republic had raided the compound and taken numerous prisoners, some of whom were immediately released, but some others were not. That was it. The timing was too perfect. Zarvell MUST have been behind it.

It took nearly a year to find out that both Zedemm and Dianiss were in the hands of the Jedi, and all during that year she tried to prove a connection between Zarvell and the Voss Visions Project, or anything connected to it. Sure, there were connections to him among the staff, but Zarvell had a lot of friends...the same could be said of any Sith program. The Imperial summons to it was genuine, although it was unclear when it was delivered--appearing to have been created the day after the raid, but officially chalked up to clerical error. The program itself might have been a front, but records and eyewitnesses showed that it had been in operation for several years before the raid and that it had indeed produced some useful research. In short, a LOT of apprentices got electrocuted that year.

To this day, Sianid still makes it her primary goal to find, retrieve, and ritualistically murder her own daughter to achieve ultimate power. Failing that, she searches for another male descendant of Lord Kallig.

Her secondary goal, of course, is to destroy the traitorous Sith who denied her that ultimate power, and wipe that calm look off his face permanently.

Origin of the name:
Well, of course it's "Dianiss" spelled kinda-sorta backwards. Ordinarily I wouldn't go with such a sledgehammer approach, except that I liked the similarity to "cyanide" that it had and realized that I could use that. I even almost spelled it differently to suggest "cyanide" as the correct pronunciation, but keeping it closely connected to Dianiss seemed more important.
Origin of the Costume:
Lot's of BLACK. Most of it is the Dark Acolyte series. The black is important (if admittedly cliche) to contrast against Dianiss' white costume and evoke all the symbolism that goes with it.
  • Sianid was my 7th character, created in honor of Turncoat Thursday (a guild event where we all spent the day playing on our Imperial characters), and to be my new main Imperial character since I really like playing the role of healer. Because Zarvell was a Light-sider, going Dark with her instead was an easy choice.
  • She was a lot of fun to create, because of all the interesting ways to make her the same as Dianiss and at the same time the opposite of Dianiss, who I think is an interesting character in her own right.
  • Her face, body, eyes, and hairdo are identical to Dianiss--but her hair color is black rather than brown and her face much more pale. Where Dianiss is young and pretty, Sianid is similarly pretty but also creepy.
  • I had intended my next character to be a Biochem all along, but also seemed fitting to twist it into the study of poisons--another contrast against Dianiss the healer--and a way to deflect her identity from being a healer to being a murderer.
  • Speaking of "murderer", I wanted to make Sianid a truly vile, thoroughly evil character. Hmm . . . let's see . . . a woman who plans to conceive and murder her own flesh-and-blood child in a brutal and painful Sith ritual . . . for power? Yup, that'll do.
  • Have you been counting? Yes, Vilaniss is also a character of mine on the Imperial side--the missing sixth. He may or may not get a story here--I haven't decided.
  • I created Sianid and started leveling her up completely in secret, waiting until I randomly encountered someone from S.I.N. to see if she'd be recognized. More quickly than I expected, Anya and Vingar won the dubious honor of being the first people to be insulted by Sianid.
  • Sianid is contemptuous and condescending to (almost) everyone around her, so please don't take it personally when you interact with her. She insults everyone. (It's another way that she's a foil for Dianiss, who loves to hug everyone.)