Power and Betrayal: Chapter 7

Nar Shaddaa: The Deluxe Suite
The Next Morning

Kinnan awoke to the morning sunshine, but Dianiss was not there with him. He did notice that her lightsaber was still there on its stand, so he took that as a sign that she probably hadn't gone far. His own lightsaber was lying next to it on the stand's base--although he hadn't been the one who'd put it there. That's when he noticed that she'd left a small hand-written note for him.


Come out to the balcony.


A strange thought crossed Kinnan's mind. He'd seen the entry and the 'living room', and he'd seen the stairway that lead to where he was at the moment (which, in retrospect, was clearly Dianiss' bedroom). He did not remember seeing a balcony.

Okay, this place IS pretty large, he thought, but it shouldn't be THAT hard to find....

As he got up and tried to get dressed, he noticed that his clothes were not where he remembered leaving them. In fact, as he actually looked around the room, they were nowhere to be found. On the door was a simple white robe made of a soft, warm material, so he put that on and walked out into the hall.

The logical thing to do, it seemed, was to start by retracing his steps back up to the main entry.

As he made his way up the stairs, he heard the sounds of clinking utensils mixed with the sounds of a young woman eating, so he knew he was on the right track. As he reached the top, he called out "Annie, where are my pants? Just because YOU don't like to wear them doesn't mean that you c--"

The young woman eating breakfast upstairs was NOT Dianiss.

The woman eating breakfast upstairs was a blue-skinned Twi'lek, dressed in a sheer, close-fitting nightgown, who stopped eating, looked him up and down, and began slowly applauding.

"Bravo, sir. Bravo." she said. "...and handsome, too. You are definitely getting my number before you go." She bowed her head in a half-joking, half-serious show of respect. "It will be my gift to you."

"Um, . . . hello." he said in response, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

The Twi'lek smiled widely and said, "Hi! Lemme get Annie for you, Handsome. In the mean time, I know something that you could give me in return . . . ." Her smile curled into a devilish smirk as she finished, "...that robe?"

Kinnan was too confused to respond, and it showed on his face.

"No? Too bad. Bah, I'll never understand 'lukas." She raised one hand and made a gesture that evidently activated some kind of internal intercom. "Hey Annie. There's a hunky man in a robe up here looking for you. I'm thinking of keeping him for myself, though." she said up to the ceiling.

"Kari?!? When did you get in?" It was Dianiss' voice coming from nowhere in particular.

"Last night. I don't know exactly when the show started, but I counted five times before you finally went to sleep. You KNOW I can feel it too when you--"

"Why didn't you call?"

"I DID CALL! But YOU had the Privacy Screen engaged."

There was a short, but awkward pause. "Okay, I guess I did. But . . . didn't THAT tell you something...?"

"Well, you also left the landing pad open--thank you, by the way--and I'd rather not have to deal with Cartel Customs agents at the moment. Anyway . . . are you going to come up and get Mister Endurance here, or do I get to keep him all to myself?"

"Can you bring him down to the balcony, please? You might as well join us. There's something I need to talk to you about anyway."

"Okay. Be right down." She started to gather up her plate and utensils.

"Oh, and Kari?"


"He knows I'm a Jedi. He's a Jedi Master himself."

"Well . . . that's new." she said with a surprised look on her face, and started walking back toward the stairs. "Okay, Master Endurance, follow me. I'm Captain Kari'arra of the freighter Scoundrel's Vacation." She made a graceful bow that, in her nightgown, put her cleavage on full display for him. "I feel like we alllllllready know each other SO well."

Trying his best to retain some dignity, he responded--in Ryl, but without the associated lekku movement--"Jedi Elav Kinnan Sig-lapp wa. Koma Jel, Kari'arra." As she passed by him, he turned and followed along beside her. "In fact, I think I do know you, by reputation at least."

Kari's eyes widened in surprise that he knew her native language. "Well, thank you, Master Sig-lapp. Secura'to Nawara'Elav." she said, this time with a genuine respect. "I would say the pleasure's all mine, but considering all of last night's excitement, thaaaaat would be completely backward."

"Vida, . . . and, as to last night, . . . I'm very sorry about that." he said, embarrassed.

"Oh no, don't be.  Rahn Fanyo." she responded emphatically, shaking her head. "I've known her so long that I could actually feel . . . well, you know, that's not important. So tell me something...", she continued as they walked, "...and be honest. Did Annie do that thing about the Twi'lek pheromones, and the revelation of self, and the granting of a special request?"

Kari paused a moment before adding, "...because she totally made that up. That's NOT how the Anu'Nima is actually done."

"It's . . . huh?"

"That's what I thought, say no more. I tooooootally get it. I mean, really . . . if you already know she's a REAL Jedi, then it wouldn't make any sense to do the exotic-dancer-pretending-to-be-a-Jedi routine for you. That's just WAY too many layers. Besides, does that sort of thing even work for a Miraluka?"

"Well . . . she, ah . . . she did that too . . . actually." He was now unable to look Kari in the eye.

"Really? The Una'Seela act too? Well, it's a damn good thing for you that she's a healer then, huh?" Kari was on the verge of laughing out loud at his embarrassment, but managed to keep it together.

"Um . . . if you say so. And also, . . . I'm not actually a Miraluka. I'm human."

Kari looked puzzled at him. "But, . . . your--" she started to say, while pointing at where his eyes should be.

"It's okay. I get that a lot. It was an injury, years ago now. These are cybernetic implants." As if to demonstrate, he converted the visible area where his eyes would be from a flat metal gray to a projection of normal human eyes.

Kari smiled at his little surprise display. "Well isn't that adorable?" she said, as the two of them approached the door that lead out onto the balcony.

Waiting at the door was a small brown-furred cat who clearly wanted to go outside. "Good Morning, Rava." Kari said to the cat while petting him briefly on top of his head. As soon as she opened the door, he bolted outside.

Kinnan and Kari stepped outside right after him and saw Dianiss, who was seated at a small table eating breakfast, and her cat already sitting on her lap, purring. She was wearing a short, white robe similar to the one Kinnan took from her room, but made of a thinner, silkier material. Of course, Dianiss being who she is, it only came down to her hips, leaving her bare legs and feet exposed.

Kari turned back to Kinnan. "I'm sure the two of you will make LOTS of adorable little human babies together, then." Kari added, loud enough for Dianiss to hear.

"What?" he asked, suddenly alarmed, which finally broke Kari's composure and started her giggling.

"Kari!" Dianiss shot back, half annoyed but half finding it funny herself. "Don't listen to her." she said to Kinnan. "Have a seat."

Kinnan and Kari both joined her at the table, overlooking the Nar Shadda cityscape. The view was actually quite nice, even if it was kind of cold due to the morning air and the high altitude--and even if it did momentarily remind him of their 'escape' from the spaceport the night before, which gave him an entirely different kind of chill.

On the table was an assortment of breakfast foods, professionally prepared, and some extra plates and utensils. As he sat down, Dianiss set a plate in front of him. "Help yourself." she said, motioning towards the miniature buffet. "I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I went a little crazy and ordered us a bunch of different things. Plus . . . I'm hungry."

"I'll bet you both are." Kari said with a sly grin.

Kinnan still had a worried look on his face. "Dianiss, we didn't use any kind of--"

"Kinnan. Relax." Dianiss said, reaching over and putting her hand on his arm for reassurance--while at the same time giving Kari an annoyed look. "You're forgetting: I'm a Jedi healer. Remember what I told you about healer training? Manipulation at the cellular level? That goes for all kinds of cells, mine and yours, including those certain special ones that..." She looked down toward his hips. "...swim?"

"Ah . . . okay." The look on his face clearly indicated that he hadn't thought of that, and that he was feeling greatly relieved. "So, um . . . where are my clothes?" he asked, going back to feeling just embarrassed.

He noticed that Kari was looking him up and down, and didn't shy away about it in the least when it was clear that he knew she was doing it. And now that he knew she knew he knew she was doing it, the knowing somehow made HIM feel self-conscious again.

"I sent them down to the laundry when I ordered breakfast." Dianiss answered. "Mine too. They smelled like exhaust fumes from the spaceport and the traffic. They'll be back in an hour or so. That's one of the best things about having a condo like this that's operated by a luxury hotel and casino: they make all the hotel services available to the owners."

"...including that particular service that Annie provided last night." Kari interjected.

"You know, you're lucky I need a favor from you, otherwise I'd throw you off this balcony right now." Dianiss shot back.

"And I'd bounce right back on because someone still hasn't turned off the Privacy Screen forcefield yet. What's the favor?"

The mention of being thrown off the balcony gave Kinnan a bit of a shiver again, causing his mind to go back and replay the events of the previous day--one he'd not soon forget. Going after the White Parallel machine. Getting captured. Escaping from Imperial custody. A spectacular escape from the spaceport. And at least twice, maybe three times, Dianiss had demonstrated how astonishingly powerful she was with the Force.

That alone would have rated a 'most memorable day' award, except it didn't end there. Having made it back to 'her place', the two of them were able to settle down and talk--and he'd learned a great deal about her in the process. This, he had to admit, was the thing he'd most hoped for when he came to Nar Shaddaa. He was delighted that they'd retrieved the Gree computer, but if it had come to a choice between recovering it or having the chance to make that connection with her . . . he would have chosen her. Of all the things that happened that day, their little game of questions and answers had been the thing that he remembered most fondly (and maybe the fact that he was fortunate enough to be able to steal a certain key piece of data from the medical console on the Imperials' ship).

...which is not to say that what followed was not memorable. It certainly was. Dianiss always seemed to be flirtatious, but he couldn't help but notice that something was different about her when they'd gotten back. Thinking back, it might have even begun with their unorthodox exit from the spaceport. There had been something odd in her eyes when he'd come out of the cargo ship, and it stayed with her for the rest of the night (but was now back to normal this morning). Her flirtation had escalated into take-no-prisoners seduction, and he'd found himself powerless to resist her. Even at the point where she'd aroused his interest in her with physical contact and he'd tried to escape from her, he just ended up ensnared in the very place he was trying to avoid.

To be honest, at the time, he was also worried about being able to keep up with her, considering the nearly 30-year age difference between them. (The thought 'old enough to be her father' crept into his mind, but he quickly pushed it away.) When he'd reached the point where he had to protest that he couldn't go on, she simply smirked and laid a hand on his chest. "Silly Jedi Master . . . have you already forgotten that I'm a trained Jedi healer?" she said. And in that moment, he could not only feel his energy coming back, but he almost felt like he really WAS her age again.

And it was a good thing, too. When the night begane, he had no idea yet how very deep her hunger for him ran, nor how very much longer it would take before she would eventually be able to settle down and go to sleep.

"It's because I summoned the power of my Sith ancestor. It comes with a price." she had explained briefly during a rare moment's rest. "I just can't center myself again until I can satisfy the emotion. And, to be honest, lust is a much easier and safer form of passion to deal with than anger, hate, fear...."

"...and then when we're done with it, you'll need to take the Gree computer back to the Imperials." he suddenly heard Dianiss saying.

"What?" he asked.

"Were you even listening?" she asked in a disappointed tone.

"I bet he was daydreaming about last night." Kari said.

"Shoosh." Dianiss replied.

"Why exactly are we taking the White Parallel back to the Imperials?" he asked, looking almost angry.

"When we escaped, it was because I had help." Dianiss answered. "There was a Cipher Agent there who offered me a deal, and I took it. That's how I knew where they were storing it and what they'd do once we started to escape. The deal is that we get to keep it long enough to run your mapping regression program, but after we have what we need, we return it."

"I never agreed to this." he said, with an implied threat in his tone.

"Well I did." Dianiss responded firmly. "You owe your freedom and maybe even your life to that agent's assistance, and we WILL return it to her. I gave my word as a Jedi."

"I don't like this. Not one bit." At least he finally got his answer as to how Dianiss had known where the Imperials had stored the White Parallel on their ship. That was small consolation, though.

"You don't have to like it. You just have to accept it."

Kari, for the first time all morning, was keeping quiet during this awkward silent moment.

Kinnan thought for a few moments about what this meant to his research. He'd had other ideas for ways to use the machine later, but the location of the Trayus Academy was still first priority. There was really only one other computation he would need to run immediately, and for the White Parallel it would probably only need a few minutes of additional time to complete.

And the thought occurred to him: here he was actually, really, literally choosing between Dianiss and the Gree computer--and thinking of it that way, he realized that he definitely needed her more than he needed it.

"Okay. For you."

Kari was just about to say something inappropriate when Dianiss' cat jumped down off her lap JUST before they all heard a sound from the in-house control system. He immediately jumped up onto the edge of the window trying to see in.

"That's probably the laundry." Dianiss said, in a more relaxed tone. "They're quicker than usual this morning." she added with a note of approval in her voice.

"Good." he said, also in a more relaxed tone, grateful that the tension had been broken. "I really should get dressed and get going."

"Need any help with that?" Kari asked.

"Um . . . no . . . I'll be fine. But there is something else you could help me with. As I said earlier, I do know you by reputation."

"Well then you should DEFINITELY hold that against me."

"For what's coming up, I'll need a ship and an experienced pilot . . . and preferably one who's not a Jedi but who is accustomed to working with the Order."

"You pay well?"

"I did say 'accustomed to working with the Order' just now, didn't I?"

"So . . . that's a no."

"But what this job lacks in profit opportunity, I'm sure it more than makes up for in other intangibles."

"Such as...?"

"You WANT to help. For the good of the Republic." Kinnan waved his hand in front of her.

"I WANT to help. For the good of the Republic." Kari responded with a blank look on her face . . . which then twisted into a smirk. "Seriously?!? My oldest, closest friend is like . . . a WAY stronger Jedi than you apparently are . . . and you actually think she just . . . what? . . . never got around to teaching me how to dodge THAT little trick?"

"Plus, I'm sitting right here while you mind-trick my friend right in front of me?" Dianiss added, trying to look perturbed at him, but at the same time trying to hold back a laugh.

"You could be a part of the ultimate defeat of the Emperor himself." he pressed on.

"The Emperor! Wow." Kari answered, in a mocking tone. "Now THAT sounds like a great way to get killed. Keep talking...."

"You'd be helping your oldest, closest friend here." He nodded his head over toward Dianiss.

"Oh, so it's TWO favors now instead of just the one, huh? What else ya got?"

"An opportunity to continue embarrassing, harassing, and torturing me for a few days in deep space, trapped on your ship, unable to escape?"

"NOW we're talking! Toss in that robe, and you've got yourself a pilot."

"Deal." he said calmly, without hesitating at all.

Kari had a giant grin on her face. "All right, Handsome, let's have it." With a mock expression of sympathy, she added, "We can go back to MY room if you're modest."

"I'll be happy to give it to you AFTER I get dressed--in private."

"But you said--"

"You didn't specify when or how the item in question was to be turned over to you. Since it was you who proposed this form of compensation, Republic contract law is quite clear that any ambiguities in terms should favor the party who did not author the terms in question."

Kari's elation quickly turned sour. "Yeah, you're a Jedi Master, all right."

Dianiss was no longer able to stifle that laugh.

"Oh sure, YOU think this is funny." Kari said to Dianiss. "You already..."

"Can I go get my clothes now?" Kinnan interrupted.

"Yes, of course." Dianiss answered. "I'll bring your things over to my room, where you can change in private. Come on."

"Before you go," Kari interrupted, "...I have a question. Why did you say you want a pilot who's NOT a Jedi?"

Kinnan let out a sigh, and was now clearly trying to choose his words carefully. "Where we're going . . . there's a lot of darkness and turmoil in the Force. For some Jedi--most, I suspect--it's quite difficult to function surrounded by all of that . . . anguish. And the effect seems to be stronger in those who are most sensitive to the Force. So it's only prudent to have a non-Force-sensitive pilot at the controls: someone who'll be minimally affected by the environment--if at all--and so is FAR less likely to make a mistake in navigation and landing."

"So Jedi pilots lose their minds and crash. Got it." She paused a moment to fix him with a very serious stare. "...and you're taking my Annie here, of all people, to this place? How's THAT gonna work out?"

"I have to admit, I'm questioning the wisdom of it myself--considering what I've learned about her." He turned to face Dianiss directly. "I'll do what I can to prepare you, but ultimately it's up to you. You don't have to go."

"We've come this far." she responded. "Besides, it's my fault that you have to give up your Gree machine. Helping you find the holocron is the least I can do."

"Thank you." he said. "NOW can I go get dressed?" He gave them both a smile that was at the same time adorable and vulnerable.

"Go on up to my room and I'll bring your things over. Don't worry about this..." she motioned at the food on the table. "I'll clean up here."

Kari looked him up and down one last time as the two of them walked back inside.


Nar Shaddaa: The Deluxe Suite
Later That Morning

Dianiss was sitting on her bed when she heard the knock on the door to her room. After Kinnan had left, she was doing some much-needed meditation, to focus herself and be sure that her center contained only the gentle stillness of the Force, without any lingering turbulence and darkness. It kind of amused her that she could feel Kari approaching even before the sound was made--and Kari knew it--but she was still polite enough to knock anyway. Kari could probably tell that she was feeling better.

"Annie?" she heard from the other side of the door.

Dianiss didn't get up, but use the Force to gently open the door.

"It's okay. Come in." she responded.

"I'm getting worried about you." Kari said as she entered, in a soft tone of voice.

"Why is that?"

"Well, for one, that was a Jedi Master you brought back here." Kari answered while sitting down on the bed next to Dianiss. "How does this possibly play out without spelling TROUBLE for you?"

"Are you afraid this means I've ruined my chances of becoming Grand Master some day?" Dianiss said with a mischevious grin.

"That's not what I mean, and you know it."

"I trust him to be discreet, and to avoid attachment. It's the Jedi way."

"Well, 'Jedi way' or not, I'm not sure *I* trust him--at least not yet. I've got a bad feeling about him that he's manipulating you somehow . . . but that's not even my main worry."

"Then what is?"

"Last night: That was NOT just you being extra-friendly. That was Ziveri'Sinya, wasn't it?"

Dianiss recognized the subtle movements of Kari's lekku that accompanied the name, which together translated as 'Scorching Darkness' in Basic--the name Kari used for the dark power within Dianiss. Dianiss broke eye contact as she nodded her head, embarrassed and a little bit ashamed. "Yes . . . and it was NOT my first choice. It was a matter of life-or-death. Would you prefer the latter?"

"I would prefer you not get into those situations in the first place. If there aren't any ancient Jedi proverbs about 'playing with fire' already, then there damn well should be. I know how it messes with your mojo, and you must have REALLY hit the hyperdrive without a nav solution last night. THAT worries me."

"I can control it a lot better now since Kaas."

"Control?!? You call last night control? Girl, that was the OPPOSITE of 'control' . . . and then to top it off, of all people, you give a Jedi Master you barely know a front-row seat in the VIP lounge. I know you don't remember what was happening when Lord Kill-Us-All had control of you, but *I* was there, and it was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen."

"I know. I'm sorry about that."

Kari laid a hand on top of one of Dianiss' hands. "And you are forgiven. You already know that."

Dianiss gave Kari's hand a gentle squeeze.

"But now my NEW biggest worry," Kari continued, "is that your new boyfriend here wants to take you--AND Ziveri'Sinya--to a bona fide forbidden zone that tail-spins Jedi mojo all on its own. This has got BAD IDEA written allllllll over it."

"I know, but I'll accept the consequences. What we're doing is important."

"You'll accept the consequences." Kari repeated back. "Annie, do you hear yourself? Nobody can accept the consequences of something when she has no idea at all what they'll be. THIS . . . this is why the correct answer to 'I've got a bad feeling about this' is 'Well then don't do it, you fool' . . . because that's the difference between bravery and foolhardiness. Bravery is knowing what you're getting into, knowing exactly WHAT you are risking and WHY you should be scared, and pressing on in spite of it. This is just . . . jumping into a dark hole in the ground without even shining a light down into it first."

Because Kari was not a Jedi, it was easy to forget that she practically grew up in the Jedi Temple. But then there were times like this when all that immersion in the Jedi culture, even as an outsider, clearly had rubbed off on her. This was not the first time--nor would it likely be the last--that of the two of them, Kari was the one who was the voice of reason.

"Kari, Sweetie, keep THAT up and I think maybe YOU might become Grand Master."

"Bah, you can have it. Too much meditating, not enough flying. But I will tell you this: I'm glad I'm coming along for this one--and if he hadn't asked, I'd would have figured another way. I swear, at the first sign of trouble, I'm taking you out of there, full burn. I don't care WHAT he says."

Dianiss found herself smiling at Kari's protectiveness. She'd never known a better friend in her life than this feisty Twi'lek, and moments like this reminded her just how remarkable that friendship was.

"So you'll jump in the dark hole with me?"

"Well SOMEONE has to bring a damn flashlight...."


Nar Shaddaa: Deucalon Spaceport
Later That Afternoon

As Kinnan approached his own ship to leave Nar Shaddaa, a visitor was there waiting for him.

"Tangress? I didn't expect to see you here."

"So is that it?" she said, looking down at the briefcase he was carrying.

"Yes. The mission was a total success, although the machine itself is more borrowed than owned."

"*I* could have gotten you out of there, you know."

"If you say so. But I think things worked out for the best . . .better than I had hoped, actually."

"NOW do you believe me?"

"About what?"

"About HER. She's more Sith than Jedi."

"Some say the same of you."

Tangress held back the twitch at her claws and the almost-involuntary snarl, and said nothing.

"But as I said," he continued, "...the mission was successful. And this is not an appropriate discussion for us to be having here."

"Fine. How long until we can go?"

"A little over a week, but you're not going."


"There's something else I need you to do. I was quite fortunate to be able to acquire some additional data from our captors that I think you'll find MUCH more interesting. But we'll need some things from the laboratory at the old temple to make use of it."

Behind the Scenes:
* I have to admit: this was fun to write. Given what happened at the end of Chapter 6, I wanted the 'morning after' to be all about embarrassing Kinnan in every conceivable way. Plus, I can work in some exposition on the how and why this place exists for Dianiss and Kari.
* Having had the chance to see and walk around in the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace first on the Public Test Server and in-game (unlike when I was writing Chapter 6), I'm trying to follow the actual layout of it a little more accurately--thus the references to the balcony and the landing pad.
* Did you catch my reference from The LEGO Movie? I couldn't pass that up. Hey, LEGO Star Wars is an actual thing.
* I'm trying to incorporate a bit of Twi'lek culture here, which includes Kari's initial pretense of an exchange of gifts upon meeting (her number, for his robe), and the use of Ryl, the native language of Ryloth. Also, the idea that she would freely share something she owns (the condo) with a friend is part of that tradition and culture too.
* Note that in her native Ryl, her name is properly spelled Kari'arra as Kinnan uses it. "Arra" is her clan name. (And yes, this is a minor retcon on her name and its origin.)
* It also includes the way Kari is very forward and uninhibited--like Dianiss. Although, in fairness, Kari's behavior here is exaggerated because of the influence of what she'd experienced the night before as a result of her Force bond with Dianiss and her close proximity to Dianiss while it was happening--which I hint at a couple of times here but otherwise don't come out and explain.
* Secura Nawara Elav are words/names that translate to "Skilled-Speaker-Scholar", which roughly translates into a complement on how well he's learned the language. Vida means "Pleasing to the Senses", which is as close to a "Thank You" as I could approximate given the known Twi'lek vocabulary I had to work with.
* While we're at it, Anu'Nima is "Desired Gift" and Una'Seela is "Graceful Dancer".
* Kinnan is, in fact, a Guardian in-game. So . . . yeah . . . Endurance.
* Dianiss' cat is named "Rava", in honor of Rafalskimi/Vaes, who has made some creative contributions to this story that will come later.
* So here's a sure sign that I think about this way too much: It occurs to me that--when it comes to sexual activity--a Jedi healer would uniquely have the ability to (A) prevent transmission of disease, (B) "disarm" and/or interfere with gamete cells, and (C) rejuvenate an otherwise tired partner's energy.
Notes from the Future:
* About the Ryl language: This is an area where I was definitely coloring outside the lines with respect to known Star Wars lore and creating something almost entirely new.  All I really had to work with was a list of words from the Wookiepedia.
* Since originally writing this, I've taken up learning Nihongo (which is Japanese for . . . "Japanese").  Since I never really liked the clumsy way I originally handled Ryl, I've done some edits in this repost to tighten up my rules for when to capitalize or not and to introduce the Japanese concept of particle suffixes to give Ryl some actual syntax and grammar, even if it is a bit alien to most readers (which, from my POV, is a good thing).  This is how "Secura Nawara Elav" became "Secura'to Nawara'Elav".  People familiar with Japanese will probably recognize and understand it a bit easier.
* On the other hand, I have still stalwartly refused to create new vocabulary words.
* Trivia: "Rahn fanyo" ("I'm fine." or "Don't worry.") and "Koma jel ree-kha" (a warm greeting) were new entries in the Wookiepedia that didn't exist when I first wrote this, and they worked better than what I had before, so used them here.  I did cut the second one back to just "Koma Jel" to (in my mind, anyway) make it less familiar.
* I'll be editing all further use of Ryl in this story (not that there's a lot) as I repost the chapters that follow to conform with my updated grammar/style.

Continue to Chapter 8 . . . .