Power and Betrayal: Chapter 20

Ven Zallow Classroom
Jedi Temple, Tython

The following morning brought a standing-room-only crowd to the small classroom on the lower floor of the Temple that had been reserved for Dianiss' trial. The teacher's podium and desk had been re-purposed to act as the Master Justice's bench, and the students' chairs became the seating.

The biggest change to the room was the addition of a large holo-emitter positioned at the front of the room so that it could display its images where all could see.

The general hubbub in the room quieted down somewhat when Master Gwyniss entered and made her way to the podium, followed by four members of the Jedi Guard. Two of them remained at the back of the room, closed the door, and stood guard. The other two took up positions on opposite sides of the front of the room.

At the podium, Gwyniss manipulated some controls for the holo-emitter, and a few seconds later the image of Dianiss, wearing her dress uniform and kneeling respectfully, appeared at the front of the room. The quiet chatter that remained in the room fell to whispers.

Master Gwyniss stood and held her lightsaber up in her right hand, holding it horizontally above her head, and activated it. The bright white blade was momentarily blinding to anyone looking directly at it in that moment. Everyone else in the room also stood up.

"The pre-trial of Jedi Sage Dianiss will now commence. May the Force guide us toward Truth, Justice, and Harmony with its will."

At the moment she finished speaking, the Jedi Guard all activated their lightsabers in unison. "May the Force be with us." everyone chanted in response. Afterward, all of them, including Gwyniss, deactivated their sabers.

Gwyniss remained standing at the podium and began the proceedings.

"I am Master Gwyniss Jethos of the Council of Reconciliation, and I will be presiding as Master Justice for these proceedings." she said, then turned her attention to the holo-image of Dianiss. "Jedi Dianiss, you have been accused of being a Sith, the ancient enemy of the Jedi and of the Galactic Republic. As of this moment, in accordance with the policies of the Reassignment Council, you have been relieved of duties and responsibilities to the Order, retroactive to the time that you had surrendered yourself into custody and until such time as these proceedings are complete."

Dianiss nodded, but said nothing.

"You have also been suspended of all rank, authority, and membership within the Order for the duration of these proceedings and will be addressed by name simply as 'Jedi Dianiss' or formally as the 'Accused'. You are directed not to speak during these proceedings unless questioned directly by the Master Justice, and your responses are to be short and direct: a simple 'yes' or 'no' will suffice. These restrictions will remain in effect until the proceedings are complete. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Dianiss said.

"Furthermore, with the full understanding that your behavior will be a factor in this tribunal's decision, do you intend to abide by these restrictions for the duration?"

"Yes." she repeated.

"I am pleased to hear that. As Master Justice, I solemnly promise to you and all those present to witness that I will do my utmost to fulfill my duty to ensure that you receive a fair hearing." With those words, Gwyniss closed her eyes and let down her mental guards, so that anyone in the room who wished to could sense her sincerity.

After a few seconds, she sat down. "Please be seated." she said. Everyone except the Jedi Guard also sat down.

"Now then, to business: Since there are representatives from the High Council present at this time, are there any directives that the High Council would make at this time?"

Master Satele Shan stood. "Master Justice, there are certain details of Jedi Dianiss' past exploits that are considered classified by the High Council and must remain so, for the good of the Order. Therefore I must direct the Master Justice to minimize the size of the Council, and restrict its membership to those with proper clearances. Also, I must direct you to hold the trial entirely in Executive Session. Attendance to the proceedings must also be restricted to those with proper clearances or with legal Necessity of Presence. The room must be cleared of all visitors and reporters."

Gwyniss waited a moment to be sure that Master Satele was finished before responding. "The High Council has been heard, and the Master Justice will comply. Before evidence and testimony is heard, the room will be cleared. The Master Justice will form a Council of three members, rather than the customary seven. Is this acceptable?"

Master Satele nodded her head and said "Yes."

Gwyniss turned her attention back to the room. "Then we will continue by naming the Council."

Satele spoke up. "Master Justice."

"The Master Justice recognizes Grand Master Satele Shan." Gwyniss responded.

"I will volunteer to sit on the Council."

"The High Council has been heard, and the Master Justice will comply. Grand Master Satele Shan will sit in judgement."

Next, Annanya spoke up. "Master Justice."

"The Master Justice recognizes Master Annanya Yaya." Gwyniss responded.

"I will volunteer to sit on the Council."

"The High Council has been heard, and the Master Justice will comply. Master Annanya Yaya will sit in judgement."

Finally, Galadina spoke up. "Master Justice."

"The Master Justice recognizes Jedi Knight Galadina." Gwyniss responded.

"I will volunteer to sit on the Council."

"Jedi Knight Galadina, the Master Justice does not recognize your authority to direct the proceedings."

"Master Justice," Galadina responded, "I don't understand. I have been named to the High Council."

"I am aware of the approval of your appointment, Jedi Knight Galadina."  Gwyniss' emphasis on Galadina's title was obvious.  "However, as of this moment, it is my understanding that you have not yet been officially sworn in to that duty. Am I incorrect on this point?"

Galadina's sudden embarrassment was visible to everyone in the room. "No, Master Justice. You are correct."

Satele spoke up. "Master Justice, this presents a problem. The only other Jedi Masters who would be acceptable to the High Council are not available. As Grand Master, I would direct--"

"I know what you're going to say, Satele, and the answer is still No." Gwyniss interrupted. "According to the preliminary filings, Galadina is also a material witness to the events that lead up to these charges, and her testimony will be required--which she cannot do while sitting on the Council.  That Necessity of Presence compels me to reject such a directive."

"So . . . what do you propose?" Satele asked.

"In the High Council's interest of keeping the Council small, I will volunteer to sit on the Council myself in her place and cast her vote by Regens Vicaria." Gwyniss turned her attention to Galadina. "I hope you understand that this is not some rigid technicality of law. For a trial to be fair, all evidence must be presented, and there must be no conflicts of interest." Gwyniss gave Galadina a very stern look. "And the fact is that you are . . . connected to this case in a way that cannot be ignored."

Galadina went pale as she realized that Master Gwyniss was--with subtlety--referring to the Force bond that she shared with Dianiss. It was something that she had needed to reveal to the High Council as a condition of her appointment to it--and also as a favor to Master Annanya with respect to some sort of unknown political game that she and Satele were involved in.

"However," Gwyniss continued, with a much softer expression, "...as I said before, I am aware of your approval to serve on the High Council and I am also aware of your reputation. Insofar as it does not infringe on my duty to be fair to Jedi Dianiss and to Master Kinnan's charges, I will give great credibility to your testimony, I will ask for your opinion before final judgement, and I will give that opinion the considerable weight it deserves." Gwyniss looked back and forth between Galadina and Satele and finished with "Is this acceptable?"

Galadina found herself admiring Master Gwyniss just a little. Twice now she had employed her skills as a diplomat to take a conflict and cut through it with efficiency, proposing a reasonable solution that directly addressed the needs and desires of both parties.

Still, this is going to be harder than I thought now.

Satele spoke up to answer. "The High Council agrees."

Gwyniss turned her full attention back to Galadina, with that same soft look, but now with a raised eyebrow that asked if she agreed as well.

Galadina simply nodded her head.

Gwyniss resumed her 'all-business' demeanor. "Very well, let the record show that the Council has been named. The next matter is the designation of legal representation." She turned her attention to Kinnan. "Master Kinnan Sig-lapp, you have brought these charges. Have you chosen a legal advocate?"

Kinnan stood up to address her. "I will be acting as my own legal advocate, Master Justice."

"As a Jedi Master and the one bringing the charges, the requirements of competency, standing, and approval are all met. So be it. Let the record show that the accuser will be Master Kinnan Sig-lapp of the Council of First Knowledge."

Gwyniss turned her attention to the holo-image of Dianiss. "Jedi Dianiss, you are entitled to a legal advocate as well, and have been instructed to select one. Have you done so?"

"Yes." Dianiss answered.

"Will the legal advocate for the accused please step forward and identify yourself."

There was an audible gasp in the room as Zarvell stood up, and stopped using the Force to mask his presence to everyone around him. "Master Justice, I will be acting as legal advocate for the accused."

Gwyniss let out a slow exhale as she stared daggers at Zarvell for using the Force that way in this time and place. "And you are . . . ?"

"My name is Zarvell."

"I wasn't JUST asking your name. Who ARE you?"

"I am Jedi Dianiss' father, which is the basis of my claim to standing. I am prepared to provide transcripts of my education to satisfy the requirement of competency."

Kinnan shot out of his seat. "Master Justice! This man is not a Jedi. In fact, he is an Imperial citizen, a known Sith, and a Darth. He cannot possibly have standing to be a part of ANY Jedi proceeding. He should be taken into custody by the Jedi Guard immediately!"

It was rare to see Master Gwyniss the famous Jedi Master diplomat lose her composure, but the astonished look that took over her face just then was one of those rare times. Everyone else in the chamber was suddenly abuzz at Kinnan's accusations.

It was equally rare to see a look of anger on the face of Master Satele Shan, but this was one of THOSE rare times as well--and it was directed at Kinnan, NOT at Zarvell.

Gwyniss stood and activated her lightsaber above her head as before. It had the desired effect of quieting the room.

She deactivated it, but remained standing. "So I'm to understand that you are in fact LORD Zarvell, also known as Darth Imperius? Is this true?"

"Master Justice," he responded, "I do not deny my identity, though neither do I positively affirm it. I do positively affirm that Jedi Dianiss is my daughter, and such can be confirmed via DNA testing."

Shrewd. Gwyniss thought. It seems he DOES understand Jedi law. If he admits to being a Sith in an open legal proceeding, he'd be arrested immediately. But he's also choosing his words carefully so that he is not perjuring himself either, which would disqualify him as a legal advocate. "Mister Zarvell," she said, now choosing her own words carefully, "...before we address the question of your . . . immigration status . . . on Tython, I am VERY curious to hear your claim to legal standing as the advocate for the accused."

"Very well." he said calmly. "While this is a Jedi proceeding, the Jedi Order is still subject to Republic law. In this case, I would call your attention to Statute 504-11A, subsection 77, which grants the parents of Force sensitive children the right to speak on their child's behalf if a conflict arises between the Jedi Order's interests and the interests of the child when that child being taken in as a member of the Jedi Order."

Gwyniss sat down so that she could use the computer console at her seat to pull up some information and read over it. As she did, she looked progressively more and more annoyed.

"Mister Zarvell, the statute you are citing is part of the larger body of law in which the Republic grants the Jedi Order the legal right to seek out Force sensitive children within the Republic and indoctrinate them into the Order. You are deliberately misapplying the intent of this statute, and I will not allow you mock the principles of truth, justice, and harmony with legal technicalities."

"Yet, Master Justice, the statute as-written does not limit the age of the child, nor does it specify the nature of the conflict. Since this proceeding has already affected the accused's status as a member of the Jedi Order and could, given an acquittal verdict, potentially restore her to full membership in the Order, it is clear that on the plain language of the law, that all necessary criteria have been met in order for it to apply."

"Mister Zarvell...."

Zarvell continued talking, ignoring the interruption. "I am aware that the prevailing jurisprudence within the Jedi Order is to apply the spirit of the law in pursuit of proper interpretation, but this is a Republic statute where all precedents point to a literal interpretation."

Gwyniss just sat and stared at him. Ordinarily, one had to be a Jedi to have the standing to take part in an internal Jedi legal matter--there were very few exceptions. Now this stranger had come along, and not only made a legal argument to support his claim to make an entirely new exception, but also basically insisted--right to her face--that she is compelled by law to rule a certain way.

But it was in Master Gwyniss' nature to diffuse conflicts, not escalate them. She took a moment to re-read the law he was citing and consider his argument entirely on its merits, leaving the emotion out of it. In doing so, she looked for common ground and found some--at least a little--that still allowed her to maintain control of the process.

"Mister Zarvell, I have considered your argument and it has merit, but only--as you have said--in the context of a literal reading of the law, which I am willing to entertain. Having made that stipulation, I will indeed allow you to speak during this proceeding, but as a witness, not as advocate for the accused. Your application of the definition of 'membership into the Jedi Order' is shaky, let's make no mistake there, but nevertheless supportable due to the broad--and one could argue overly-broad--language of the statute.

"With that acknowledged," she continued, "the plain language of the statute says nothing whatsoever about granting standing for a Jedi proceeding, nor does it grant the parent any sort of temporary membership in the Order. To allow that it does would require a broader interpretation, which . . . you yourself have insisted cannot be used here. Therefore your claim to standing is denied and you cannot act as an advocate for the accused.  You will, however, be granted Necessity of Presence pending approval of the High Council."

"I will accept this decision, Master Justice." Zarvell responded calmly.

Galadina leaned over to him and whispered "WHAT are you doing?!?"

"Patience, my dear." he whispered back. "There is another way, but now is not the time."

Gwyniss continued to address the room as a whole. "Is there another legal advocate for the accused? If so, please step forward."

Kari stood up and said, "Master Just--"

"SIT DOWN, Miss Arra." Gwyniss interrupted. "If you were not a material witness in this case I would have already ordered the Jedi Guard escort you out of this room and off the Temple grounds."

Kari sat back down sheepishly, and under her breath muttered "That's Captain Arra to YOU, Master Koy'Itor."

Galadina began to stand, but Zarvell quickly grabbed her arm and held it, signalling to her that she should not volunteer either. "Don't." he said quietly. "Patience."

Dina couldn't, for all the snow on Hoth, figure out how he could be so damned calm. They had already discussed that the two key elements for their planned defense of Dianiss were that she would sit on the Council and that he would act as her advocate--and now neither of those were going to happen.

After a moment's time, Gwyniss announced, "Since there is no advocate for the accused, the trial will proceed without one.  Both the Accuser and the Accused will submit all necessary evidence and briefs by this time tomorrow, when the trial itself will commence.  Jedi Dianiss, since you do not have an Advocate, anyone who is a material witness or has Necessity of Presence is permitted to submit evidence on your behalf.  The Accuser is also compelled to submit any evidence he has which could be considered exculpatory in nature, or suffer legal action himself.   Accuser, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Justice." Kinnan replied.

"Accused, do you understand?"

Dianiss was staring straight ahead with a wide-eyed look of shock--as if she were staring at a capital ship headed straight at her, falling out of orbit and about to crash right on the exact spot where she knelt. "Um . . . okay." she finally blurted out.

"Then all that remains is one small lingering matter that I would be remiss if I allowed it to go unaddressed." Gwyniss said. "Mister Zarvell? By the authority of the Galactic Republic, I am ordering you to remain on the Temple grounds . . . as our guest . . . until this trial is completed, and directing the Jedi Guard to see to it that you do. After that time, when you no longer have legal Necessity of Presence, we'll be revisiting your present status here on Republic soil."

"Of course." he responded.

Gwyniss stood and ignited her saber above her head. "Then we are adjourned until tomorrow." she said, before deactivating it again.

Behind the Scenes:
* I originally planned for the trial to take place in one of the classrooms in the Temple, and was just going to call it "Classroom #3" or something. It seemed more fitting to have something like that be named in honor of a famous Jedi, so I went with Ven Zallow, the Jedi Master that we see in the early SWTOR promotional video "Decieved" giving his life to defend the Jedi Temple on Coruscant against Darth Malgus' attack during the now-infamous Sacking of Coruscant.
* For the record, the Ven Zallow classroom is the one on the north side of the Temple, where one finds the "Jedi Training" codex.
* Trivia: The saber hilt Ven Zallow uses is one of my favorites, and looks just like the one Dianiss has used since I created her (as well as a couple of my other characters). The white hilt with gold trim nicely matches the "Classic Dianiss" white dress with gold piping.
* In the course of imagining what this trial would be like, I borrowed a bit from the relevant Clone Wars episodes, but knew I had to take it further. What I came up with, which seemed reasonably appropriate, was a mix of a normal criminal court with a smattering of a church service.
* I also didn't want the court portion of it to resemble the American court system too much so I deliberately created some variations...chief among them being that the accused is not permitted to testify AT ALL. The presumption is that a Sith is fully expected to lie anyway, and an innocent Jedi might--out of desperation--resort to lies as well. So instead, the trial relies completely on physical evidence and the testimony of others, and assumes that the accused is not at all a credible witness.
* Another tweak is that the High Council is still the highest authority in the Jedi Order, so the Master Justice is still required to obey direct orders from the High Council.
* Igniting the lightsaber is the equivalent of banging the gavel, which should be obvious enough.
* "Regens Vicaria" is not an actual legal term, but is Latin for "Ruling by a Substitute" -- the same words from which we get the English "Regent" and "Vicarious".
* Similarly, "Necessity of Presence" is a pseudo-legal term I created here that essentially means someone is sufficiently attached to the case that they cannot be removed from the proceedings. This is important because in this case it also means that these people are deemed to have Need To Know for the parts of the case that are classified.
* Since there's no such thing as a Bar Association in the Jedi Order (or, for that matter, lawyers), what takes its place are the requirements of competency (you are sufficiently educated in law), standing (you have a legitimate reason to be a part of the process), and approval (the person you are representing actually agrees to be represented by you).
* Statute 504-11A, subsection 77 refers to 5/04/11, the day I first played Star Wars: The Old Republic. The "77" refers to 1977, the year Star Wars was first released in theaters.
* "Koy'Itor" is a Ryl insult that Kari made up on the spot, calling Gwyniss a "white serpent".
Notes from the Future:
* As explained in the previous chapter, this was originally the second half of one much longer chapter.  Considering that I've already renumbered the chapters so that the Prologue is no longer "Chapter 1" and so that the Short Story doesn't have a chapter number, this actually makes my editing a bit easier.
* I should add that the "Necessity of Presence" and "Regens Vicaria" terms were added during the editing of this re-posting and were not in the original.  In both cases, I wanted to make it clearer why (1) certain people who otherwise wouldn't have security clearances in the Jedi Order were permitted to stay, and (2) that Gwyniss' proposal for taking Galadina's place as a judge was something within the law and not just something she made up on the spot.

Continue to Chapter 21 . . . .