StarParse Raid Group Reordering

StarParse is great, but the more you use it, the more you accumulate everyone's random Raid Group names and passwords--and unfortunately StarParse doesn't give you any built-in way to change the order of your Raid Groups list.

So I've written a small utility that allows you to change the order of the Raid Groups from your list to your liking, and save that new order.  (Personally, I like to put the most-used ones at the top.)

Click here to download

How it works

Your list of Raid Groups is stored in a configuration file that's buried deep in your user profile area where StarParse itself is installed.  The program reads and parses that file, presents the list in a simple format and allows you to move the individual group names by clicking the buttons or directly dragging them up and down the list.  When you click the "Exit and Save" button at the bottom, the config file gets written back out but with the Raid Groups in the order you've specified.

Note that it only allows you to change the order that they appear on your StarParse menu, NOT add or remove any.

For safety, the ONLY time the file is written to is if you click the "Exit and Save" button or "Restore Backup" buttons.  If you do neither of these things, it is 100% safe to use.  Also, it's not a good idea to use this program while StarParse is actually up and running (even if it's not actively parsing)--even if it's fine right now, I can't control what might happen with future StarParse updates.

I've made every effort to make the program as safe to use as possible, but ultimately it DOES read and write to your StarParse configuration files.  For extra insurance against possible mistakes, I highly recommend that you use the built-in Backup feature before you make any changes.  That way if anything DOES go wrong, you can easily restore things back to the way they were.

There's no charge or anything for using this, but I do ask that you not repost it on any other publicly-accessible site without getting permission first.  (You can always refer people to this page to download it themselves.)

Let me know if you have any questions or problems.  Enjoy!!!