
Class: Sith Inquisitor / Assassin Tank
Race: Human
Age: ~ 58
Alignment: Light
Crew Skill: Biochem (with Slicing)
Character Concept:
A Sith Inquisitor who follows the path of Light
Important Relationships:
- Zedemm (his son)
- Dianiss (his daughter)
- Sianid (Dianiss' mother)
- Violet'ence (A friend and ally)
- Denevee (his Apprentice)

For the Sith, fear is a way of life. Whether it's living under it, facing it, overcoming it, or inspiring it in others; fear is such a commonplace thing in a Sith's daily life that most just take it for granted. It is ironic, then, that something as simple as a subtle difference in demeanor would have such a profound ability to inspire fear.

For all of his years, Zarvell has been one of those Sith that others repeatedly misunderstand. In fact, while most Sith would be hard pressed to identify it accurately (all they can say for sure is that he gives them the willies), those close to him know that he possesses three extraordinary qualities that set him apart.

Even though the vast majority of Sith seem to delight in cruelty and destruction, Zarvell has never believed that the Sith Code actually calls for it. Instead, he believes that those things that ARE called for in the code (Passion, Strength, Power, Victory, Freedom) are entirely compatible with the notions of ethics, honor, kindness, altruism, and mercy. This extraordinary balancing act of simultaneously following the Sith Code and following the Light Side of the Force allows him to act in ways that defy what most other Sith believe and yet still maintain his position, rank, standing, and loyalty to the Empire (though not necessarily the Emperor). His calm, thoughtful demeanor does more to unnerve his adversaries than any ferocious display of anger and hatred--either because they cannot fathom what it is to be calm or because they fear the ferocity that they have yet to witness.

The second weapon in his arsenal is his keen strategic mind. Part and parcel of his serene demeanor, Zarvell has always had a tendency to quickly think through a problem and outwit his opponents, rather than simply overpower them. This tendency to think several steps ahead and act in ways that others are unable to predict is an even more powerful deterrent to his adversaries--because they always suspect that he is eminently prepared for any contingency, and if not, can react swiftly in a way that no one would be prepared for.

Finally, Zarvell is one of the few Sith one would ever encounter who actually inspires loyalty in his apprentices (including one named Praven long before he became "Lord Praven"), and over the years he has built a strong power-base of allies who understand both that he CAN be trusted and that he is not someone whom it is wise to double-cross.

Those qualities were put to their biggest test when Zarvell came to the inescapable conclusion that his children--both of them--would have a better life away from the ways of the Sith. In Zedemm's case, the reasons were obvious, Zed himself understood the need, there was no one else to object since Zedemm's mother had died many years before, and few regarded the "broken" young Sith as worthy of anything better than being discarded.

Dianiss, on the other hand, was a challenge. She was starting to come into her own as a little girl with a peculiarly strong connection to the Force, did not want to leave her loving father, and her ambitious mother Sianid had plans to use the little girl for her own advancement in the Empire. But the need to remove little Annie from the influence of the darkest and most evil Sith and their "special programs" became clear long before Zedemm's fateful injury, so Zarvell (as he always does) had planned ahead.

By using the Empire's interest in the Voss as a cover, he secretly started a special program of his own--ostensibly to study the visions of the Voss Mystics--and enlisted the help of his own associates to staff it with trustworthy Sith who had little to no connection with him personally. When the time came to make his move, he arranged for Dianiss to get an authentic-looking high-level summons to the Voss Visions Project to be tested for a propensity for having visions herself--and at a time when both he and Sianid were unable to escort her there, leaving the task to Zedemm.

Of course, Voss provided the perfect environment in which to peacefully walk across the bridge from the Imperial Sector, get lost in the crowd, and have one's self turn up unexpectedly in the Republic Sector. Zarvell sent his children with two instructions: Seek out a Jedi among the Republic citizens (or rather, expect one to seek you out--they will surely sense your presence), and give that Jedi a prerecorded holo-message. Of course, he also left nothing to chance, using his confederates to start rumors about a planned Sith defection and using the opportunity of a visiting Miralukan Jedi that he expected would find them all the sooner.

The holo-message for the Jedi contained all the information necessary to expose the Voss Visions Project to the Republic and allow them to raid it, providing the perfect cover for the "capture" of Zedemm and Dianiss by the Republic.

Afterward, Sianid was furious and believed (correctly) that Zarvell was behind the whole thing, but could not prove it. To this day--years later--she still searches for proof and a way to bring her now-grown Jedi daughter back to the Sith. Zarvell, on the other hand, uses what few contacts he has in the Jedi to protect her from her mother's grasp.

Origin of the name:
Basically it's the word "marvel" signifying that he is exceptional in some way (remaining a Sith in good standing but without serving the dark side) but beginning with the letter "Z" to connect him with Zedemm (and, yes, "Zechman").
Origin of the Costume:
I hadn't been paying much attention to Zarvell's costume, but since Zarvell hit level 50 and finished Chapter 3 himself, I decided that I wanted him to look like a consummate gentleman, which fits with his personality. So he's mostly wearing the "Formal" set (the social gear from Dromund Kaas) with a few other pieces swapped in because I think they look better.
  • Zarvell was my 3rd character, created to establish the Legacy Force Lightning ability for Zedemm and Dianiss, and to be my first foray into the Imperial side of the game.
  • His face, hair, eyes, etc. are all deliberately similar to Zedemm without being identical, as a nod to the familial relationship.
  • In all practical ways, Zarvell has been replaced by Sianid as my main Imperial character.
  • As you may have noticed by now, I love contradictions: a reformed Sith, a misbehaving Jedi, a tiny tank, and now a Light-side Sith. Maybe it's a cheat, but I find that thinking through how these things that don't normally go together can logically coexist is a useful starting point for making the characters and their stories interesting.