Power and Betrayal: Chapter 18

Cargo Ship Terminus
Kaas City Spaceport

In the 8 hours that Galadina was gone, Kari had nothing to do but but sit in the cargo bay staring at Dianiss' unmoving form floating horizontally on her back in the bacta capsule, listening to the slow, regular beep-beep-beep that the monitoring systems made, indicating that everything was okay. Dianiss was in a medical coma, and all of her vital signs were normal--for a Jedi, anyway. But at least being there in the same room with Dianiss made Kari feel less alone while she waited.

Unfortunately, comatose Dianiss wasn't exactly stimulating company either, and it had gotten so boring that the soft beeps actually lulled Kari into falling asleep in her chair.

When the communications system finally did ring out a notification, she was startled awake by the unexpected new sound that suddenly broke the silence.

After she routed the call to a small holoviewer there in the cargo bay, Galadina's transparent-blue image appeared above the emitter. She was still wearing the wrappings that covered her face.

"Where the frizz have you been?" Kari asked in a tone that sounded more cranky than it should have.

"I'm sorry, but the Master and I had a great deal to discuss." Dina answered. Her use of the term the Master made it clear that she assumed the connection was being monitored, and was erring on the side of caution. "We're BOTH returning to the Terminus now with a new mission."

"Acknowledged." Kari answered, playing along. "I'll prepare for the Master's arrival. Terminus out."

Jedi Temple Infirmary

As Casei entered the room, she stopped and maintained a respectful distance from Annanya's meditation at Kendsel's bedside, so as not to disturb her. From outside appearances, Anya looked like she might be starting to connect with him, since the expression on her face was almost mirroring the tortured look on his.

Colonel Corvioch, not really knowing what else to do with himself, waited in the hallway, standing guard against nothing in particular.

Casei took a step back and whispered "Any progress?" to Corvioch. He simply shook his head.

As if responding the question herself, Anya slowly opened her eyes and stood up, taking a moment to clear her head of the confusing imagery she had been engulfed in. "Good morning, Casei." she said.

"Good Morning." Casei answered as she re-entered. "How's it going?"

"I'm starting to get through to him, but just a little. He seems to want to show me what he's seeing, but there's so much all at once."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, . . . it's hard to describe. Instead of a vision of the future, it seems to focus more on the past, as if it's somehow directly linked to the future. As a shatterpoint, there's no one clear moment of clarity like there normally would be. Instead, it's this great big jumble of possibilities that can't or won't focus, as if it's a dozen or more shatterpoints that are all inter-connected and . . . creating feedback. The only thing that IS clear about it is that Galadina is at the center of it."

"Heh." Casei said, in a tone of voice that sounded as if she fully expected to hear that.

Anya was going to let it pass, but the curiosity got to her. "What?"

"Anya, really . . . are you surprised? It's always got something to do with HER where he's concerned. Before I came in here, I talked to Indyra. She was on duty overnight, and told me that every time she went in to check on him, he would mumble Dina's name--like he thought it was her or WANTED it to be her. Anya, I know he was your Padawan, but that boy got seriously attached to that girl."

"Yeah, I know, . . . and I guess I should have put a stop to it. But right now, she is all he can think about, and it's torturing him. I don't think he's going to really open up to anyone but her."

Cargo Ship Terminus
Kaas City Spaceport

"Welcome aboard, Master." Kari said to Lord Zarvell after the airlock door had sealed behind him and Galadina. Her annoyance was not hidden at all. "Now would you mind telling me what this is all about?"

"Miss Kari'arra." he responded in a warm, welcoming tone that completely ignored her snark and sounded genuinely happy to see her. As he approached her and wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace, he added, "It is truly a pleasure to see you again."

Kari's annoyance melted away completely. There was just something about this man that put her at ease, and in his arms she couldn't help feeling safe and content, like a little girl being hugged by her loving father--or what she imagined it would be like at least.

Galadina had pulled back the low hood and finished removing the coverings from her head. "It's because of what happened on Malachor." she answered. "Dianiss' life is at stake--mine too, if things go wrong--and I'm going to need his help to navigate through the next few weeks."

"You mean Master Smartypants and that whole 'She's a witch!' thing? Is that even for real?"

"Yes, that's a big part of it. But for right now, let's set course for Taris, get back into Republic space and then get Dianiss awake again before we return to Tython. We have a lot to discuss, and she needs to hear it too."

Jedi Temple Reliquary

Kinnan was still studying the fragments of the broken holocron, trying to make use of some of the more powerful computers from the Republic Science Directorate on Coruscant to virtually reassemble the fragments he recovered and scanned. So far, every simulation he attempted ran for a couple of hours and came back a failure. In the mean time, he went back and forth between examining the largest, most intact fragment that he'd recovered and preparing his case against Dianiss.

The chirp of his personal holo-communicator was a welcome distraction. When he answered it, Tangress' translucent-blue face appeared above the emitter.

"How goes the preparation?" he asked.

"I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that I had to scrap the second M.F.R. you wanted and start all over."


"The program you wanted to embed in the nanites is too complicated. So unless you can re-write it to be half the size it is now, I'm re-fabricating the nanites with more memory, but slower propulsion and replication. That should solve the problem, but it means that the serum won't be ready for a least another week."

"I see. That DOES complicate things, but even if I thought I could re-write the algorithm, I really can't spare the time right now. So what's the good news?"

"I used the data from those scanned holocron fragments and the computer was able to put the pieces back together. I've already started sending the data, you should have--"

"Wait...you got the computer to reassemble the fragments? How? I've tried that a half a dozen times with faster computers than you have on Ilum and it never worked."

"You're the computer genius. You tell me." She paused a moment and added, "Oh . . . and you're welcome."

"Of course. Thank you. And please keep me informed if there are any more setbacks."

Cargo Ship Scoundrel's Vacation
En Route to Tython

Once the bacta was drained away from the tank and the respirator mask removed from Dianiss' face, it didn't take long for her to open her eyes, albeit slowly, blinking several times until her eyes could adjust to the dim lighting in the room. While most patients needed a stimulant injection to be woken up from being in such a deep sleep, Dianiss' Ancient-Sith-powered immune system just needed the removal of the sedatives for her to come around.

"Hey there, sleepyhead." Kari said softly to her patient. "Time to wake up."

Dianiss just laid on the capsule's internal table now, unmoving, and moaned unintelligibly.

"How are you feeling?" Kari asked as she began gently wiping the bacta residue off Dianiss' skin with a sponge, starting with her face, but avoiding her hair.

Dianiss started to talk, but instead had to cough, evidently having gotten some of the fluid behind the mask and into her throat. She swallowed hard and answered, "Groggy."

"What's your name?"

Dianiss took a moment to think--not to remember what her own name was, but to puzzle over why Kari was asking her that question. "Dianiss." she answered, having not quite figured it out yet.

"Do you know where you are?" Kari asked as she continued cleaning off Dianiss' arms and torso.

Dianiss took another moment, then shook her head. The ceiling that she was gazing up at looked familiar, but not quite enough that she recognized it.

"You're on my ship." Kari answered. "We're on our way to Tython. Do you remember what happened?"

Dianiss thought about the last things she DID remember, and started to piece together what had happened to her. She nodded and said, "Mmmm-hmmm . . . I got really angry."

"Well, that's ONE way to put it." Kari said, amused by the understatement. "Do you feel warm?"

Dianiss knew that what Kari really meant by that question was warmer than usual, as in, feeling the after-effects of using Kallig's power and the painful sensation of her skin being on fire that usually came with it.

"No. I'm okay." Dianiss said, then got a curious look on her face. "Wait . . . that's not Kinnan." she said, puzzled. Dianiss closed her eyes to concentrate for a few seconds, then re-opened them and asked, "Is . . . is my father on board?"

"Well, it sounds like your Jedi-juices are starting to flow again--that's a good sign. And . . . yes, he is. Before you ask: No, I don't know why. Maybe they'll tell you." As Kari finished cleaning Dianiss' legs and feet, she added, "Okay Annie, time to sit up."

As Dianiss sat upright for the first time in almost 3 days, she felt dizzy. Kari helped to steady her until the dizziness passed.

"Okay, when you're ready to stand, I'll help you over to my cabin so you can get yourself cleaned up and get dressed. Plus your hair's a mess, and . . . I don't wanna touch it."

Dianiss smiled at her friend's amusing hesitation at touching human hair. "It's okay, Kari, really. It's not contagious." Dianiss looked around and found one of the capsule's clear panels where she could see her reflection, and reflexively frowned at the sight. Her hair WAS a mess, and full of soupy green bacta residue.

"I know, but . . . it's bad enough when it's NOT all gooey from the bacta, and . . . hairy . . . and . . . ick. I do NOT understand why you don't just shave it off and be rid of it."

"I don't understand why I'm the only person in the galaxy whose best friend WON'T help me do my hair, or hold it back for me when I'm sick."

"You don't GET sick, Miss Jedi Master Super-Healer Sage. And the day *I* get so sick that you have to hold my lekku back for me is the day that--

The loud rumbling of Dianiss' stomach interrupted her.

"WOW!" Kari exclaimed. "We better get some solid food into you."


A few minutes later, Dianiss was in Kari's quarters using the shower to wash the last of the bacta off herself, when Kari came into the room.

"Hey Annie, I brought a roasted bantha sandwich for you when you're done." Kari called out. "I'm gonna leave it on the--"

"OMYGOSH!" Dianiss called back. "Just give it to me NOW!"

"It's gonna get soggy in the steam, you know."

"Don't care. Hungry. Gimme." Dianiss' stomach rumbled loudly again as if to signal its agreement.

Kari just giggled as she unwrapped the sandwich and opened the shower door just enough to hand it inside to Dianiss. Dianiss snatched it out of her hand so quickly that Kari reflexively checked her hand to make sure all five fingers were still attached to it.

"Hey, I managed to swipe that lightsaber from Lord Crazy-Talk that you said you wanted while no one was looking. Why did you want it?"

Dianiss started to answer, but the first sound that came out of her mouth was unintelligible due to the noise of the shower and the mouthful of bantha sandwich that was in the way. After swallowing, she tried again. "I don't know how that Sith got hold of it, but I've seen that saber before. It belonged to Rafa. I'm sure of it. Purple crystals are almost as rare as the magenta ones that Dina, Zed and I use."

"Okaaaaaaay. Apparently the crazy-talk is contagious, unless the Jedi started using lightsabers for cat toys while I was off-planet?"

"No, not Rava." Dianiss took another bite and swallowed before continuing. "Rafalskimi. You might not have even met him. When I was a Padawan, he was nice to me when most people weren't, and reminded me a lot of Zedemm--so naturally I had a huge crush on him, and chased after him a lot." Dianiss sighed, enjoying the fond memories. "But no matter how much I threw myself at him, he was always a gentleman."

"...which I'm sure made you want him even more."

"...which totally made me want him even more."

"I think I remember him. Weren't you like 16 years old then?"

Another bite. Swallow. "17. I mean, sure, he's a few years older, but I was--"

"You were making him cringe in fear at the sight of you! You know you would have gotten him in a lot of trouble if you'd had your way with him at that age. I mean, sure, that would've be okay for a Twi'lek girl, but it's different with humans."

Dianiss turned off the shower. In a quiet, almost sheepish voice, she muttered, "I wouldn't have gotten him in trouble."

"Sure you wouldn't." Kari responded with obvious sarcasm, and handed Dianiss a towel. "So whatever happened to him, anyway?"

"I'm not sure exactly. He was never really what one would call a model Jedi..."

"...which I'm sure made you want him even more."

"...which totally made me want him even more. The last thing I'd heard was that he was traveling with some Rattataki girl with a criminal record that he must have been trying to rehabilitate. Her name was 'Ves' I think? But that was years ago now, and it's like he's been in hiding ever since."

"So . . . the lightsaber?"

"I'm hoping that maybe it holds a clue to tracking down what happened to him. And if not, I just really like the idea of having a part of him with me. I know I shouldn't, I know it's not the Jedi way, but I miss him."


Once Dianiss had finished getting cleaned up, dressed, and eaten TWO sandwiches, the four of them gathered at the conference table.

"We're about two hours from Tython station, and Annie is a wanted Jedi." Kari announced, then looked to Galadina. "So when we DO dock, what's our play, Boss?"

"Because of what happened on Malachor, there's been some things set in motion that we have to deal with." Dina responded. "As you mentioned, Master Sig-lapp made good on his threat to file official charges against Dianiss accusing her of being a Sith, and there's been an arrest warrant issued for her within the Jedi Order."

"E chu ta...." Kari snarled.

"Take it easy, Kay. It's fine." Dianiss reassured.

"That's why I went to talk to Lord Zarvell, to get his advice and assistance." Dina finished. "He thinks we should go through with the trial, defend her case ourselves, and make sure that it goes our way."

"So, Annie, as soon as we dock, you'll need to turn yourself in." Zarvell said, taking over. "Because you were medically incapacitated, your brief time as a fugitive cannot be held against you. When the trial begins--and it will begin quickly--we shall take up the cause of defending you."

Kari's lekku twitched a bit in curiosity. "What do YOU know about Jedi trials?"

Zarvell raised an eyebrow. "You mean what do I know of the trials where the Jedi accuse someone of being a Sith? The ones in which friends of mine have been imprisoned, . . . or worse . . . ?"

Kari found herself involuntarily staring at the floor.

"It is vital that we be able to present her case in the best possible light and get a favourable verdict returned. To accomplish that end, two things must happen. First, I must be permitted to stand up for her--officially--as her advocate."

"Can you even DO that?" Dianiss asked. "I thought you had to be a Jedi Master, or at least a high Republic official to do that."

"It will require some legal manoeuvering, but I'm confident it can be accomplished." Zarvell answered. "But the second--and most vital--thing, is that Master Galadina must sit on the Tribunal Council as one of the Justices. The good news for us is that as a member of the Jedi High Council, she will have the authority to appoint herself to that position."

"Oh yeah...." Kari said, slightly impressed. In the course of her own reading up on Jedi law, she'd run across that point but forgotten about it.

"After that," Zarvell continued, "...it is a matter of rebutting the accusations and reminding everyone of your lifetime of loyal service to the Jedi and to the Republic."

"Well," Dianiss said, "...I know I'm in good hands. There's no one in the galaxy that I know I can trust more than the three of you."

Airlock 2H
Tython Orbital Station

When the outer pressure door of Scoundrel's Vacation unsealed and slid open, three of its four passengers immediately felt the presence of the Jedi Guard--the corp of elite Jedi warriors assigned to defend Tython itself--waiting outside.

Dianiss took her lightsaber from her belt, took Kari's hand, and placed it on Kari's palm. "I want you to hold on to this. I won't be needing it for a while." she said, and closed Kari's fingers around it, holding Kari's hand tightly in both of hers.

After a moment of squeezing Kari's hand, Dianiss gave her a mischievous wink and added, "Try not to stab yourself with it."

Kari's face instantly twisted into a mask of faux-anger until it occurred to her that Dianiss might not even be aware of the near-death experience she had at the pink-and-glowing end of Dianiss' weapon back on Malachor. "Don't worry." she responded. "I'll be handing it back to you soon enough, . . . and I'll try not to stab YOU with it when I do, Schutta."

Dianiss smiled and gave her friend a big hug. "Here we go." she said to no one in particular, took a deep breath, and stepped down the ramp and into the airlock.

As expected, a formation of 6 masked Jedi waited in the airlock corridor, remaining motionless, but all in combat-ready stances with weapons drawn.

"My name is Dianiss." she said out loud. "I am unarmed, and I am willingly turning myself over to your custody. I will follow your instructions, and I will not resist."

"Come forward, and turn around." one of them said.

As Dianiss did what he instructed, Kari, Dina, and Zarvell disembarked the ship and stepped into the airlock.

"Stay back. Do not interfere." another of the Jedi Guard said to them. They all stayed put at the end of the airlock corridor, watching.

Four of them approached Dianiss after she turned around to form a semicircle behind her. "Hands behind your back." one of them said.

Dianiss put her hands behind her back and the two directly behind her each took one hand and attached a Force-suppressing shackle around the wrist.

As they did, Dianiss couldn't suppress a wince of pain when they magnetically locked together. She didn't expect the burning sensation that she constantly endured because of Kallig's presence to suddenly flare up in intensity the way it did--and stay that way.

Behind the Scenes:
* Indyra is another of Anya's characters, a Sage healer. Since I needed a sort of "junior" Sage to play the role of a nurse in the hospital, Indyra fit the part perfectly--particularly because she's also a Miraluka and looks similar to Galadina.
* The relationship between Dianiss and Rafalskimi, as Dianiss describes it from her point of view, is pretty much how I used to role-play it during my earliest times in the game. I/She was really freaking annoying!
* In fact, I saw the "Rafalskimi cringes in fear at the sight of you." emote an awful lot at the time, so I thought it appropriate to work in a nod to it.
* Did you know? "Ves" is actually a reference to Vaes, but that character WAS actually originally named "Ves" before server merges forced a rename.  It seemed like an appropriately funny way for Dianiss to get the name wrong yet not get it wrong at the same time.
* "E chu ta" is a Huttese insult we first heard in The Empire Strikes Back, and "Schutta" is a Twi'lek insult that Kari uses on Dianiss--jokingly--which roughly translates to "slut".
* The Jedi Guard is one of those things that's never mentioned, yet pretty much HAS to exist in some form (like an Accounts Payable department). Think of them as an Honor Guard made up of some of the best warriors in the Jedi Order, whose job it is to defend Tython from outside threats and act as a kind of police force on-planet to help maintain order during times of peace. So, assuming it DOES exist, I gave it a name.
* There was a pretty big gap between Chapter 17 and this one (almost SIX MONTHS I now realize), partly because I took a break after finishing up the fairly-complex Malachor sequence, and partly because I needed to get my notes and outlines organized for the next section. You can expect the next couple of chapters to come much more quickly now before I take a break again. In fact, several upcoming sections are already written (to ensure continuity) including the majority of Chapter 19.
Notes from the Future:
* Of course, as we learned in the Short Story, that really WAS Rafalskimi's lightsaber (or one of them, in this case).  Again, this was a nice way for me to connect that character with Dianiss in the canon of these stories without having them actually interact with each other.  Plus, the notion that she was this underaged girl making romantic/sexual advances on an older man was a great way to do a little exposition on Dianiss' personality and background.

Continue to Chapter 19 . . . .