Power and Betrayal: Chapter 23

Jedi Detention Facility
Bogan, Dark Moon of Tython

Dianiss was just about to lay down and go to sleep when she thought she felt something that didn't make any sense. What would Kari be doing HERE?

Kari's voice floated softly into the room. "Hello? Annie?"

Dianiss was REALLY surprised to see Kari enter the doorway, flanked by a couple of Jedi who were both on high alert. Her holster was empty, but she still had her pack that she used to carry her medical equipment. Her entourage, on the other hand, was definitely armed. They both had their lightsabers in hand and ready, though not activated.

Kari ran in and gave Dianiss a big hug. "Oh my gosh it's good to see you."

"You too, Kari." Dianiss responded, and squeezed back.

"So . . . ." Kari started to say, not sure how to begin. "Annie, I need to ask you for a favor. I'm actually here on behalf of our mutual friend the Arkanian who stands for Truth, Justice, and Harmony with the will of the Force." Kari said, finishing with her best impersonation of Gwyniss' voice. "She's worried about being able to sentence you."

"What? Why?"

"After the trial was concluded today, she kept me behind and grilled me on how to subdue you in case a guilty verdict was issued. Apparently my testimony about Ziveri'Sinya had her concerned that the way they normally deal with a Sith--which, no, she didn't tell me what THAT is--might not work on you."

"What did you tell her?"

"It's not so much what I told her as it's what's in the records. She wants me to sedate you and keep you under until after the verdict is reached, the same way I kept you unconscious on my ship when we went..." Kari looked back at the Jedi Guard, and realized she should probably be careful what she says in front of them. "...to find you an Advocate. I'm pretty sure she sent me personally because she figured you'd be more likely to agree to it coming from me."

"What if I say no?"

"Well, she did mention that you agreed to behave yourself when this began.  Also..." Kari added with a grimace, "...apparently they have the option of simply letting you starve to death up here."

"Oh." Dianiss said, with a look of shock on her face. "What did my Father have to say about this?"

"He completely agreed with it, which apparently means you've agreed to it too--legally--since he's your Advocate. He also said that he's REALLY sure that everything's going according to plan, and spouted off a bunch of dwang that sounded vaguely like MATH that . . . I guess it was supposed to convince me."

Dianiss let out a deep breath. "So . . . what do YOU think? YOU. Not what you were sent here to tell me but what YOU actually think."

"The only thing left is the Justices' own questions and apparently Dina will get to make a speech or cast a vote or something like that. Zarvell is confident, and I think the trial went well. And . . . it makes sense. Nothing good is going to come of you being uncooperative, and really they're just being cautious. So go to sleep as usual, and I'll give you a sedative that will keep you out until after the verdict--so long as you don't try to resist it. When it's all over and the Jedi formally agree that you're not a witch, I'll come wake you up with the good news."

"Okay then." Dianiss said with a sigh. "I'm actually kind of relieved. I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to sleep tonight. You know how I am: I worry, and I get warm, and I can't get centered again. I'm glad you're here."

"Oh hey...I also brought you something." Kari said while opening up her pack, and retrieving a small clear container of thick pink liquid. "You mentioned how AWESOME the food was, so I brought you a little treat." Kari had a cute smile on her face.

Dianiss took the cup, opened the top, and took a drink. "Mmmm . . . that is SO good."

"Nothing like a frozen Balmorran Beeberry shake before bed, huh?"

Dianiss savored the sweet taste of one of her favorite desserts. "You're the BEST." The cold drink helped Dianiss settle her nerves and soothe some of the phantom temperature discomfort that came courtesy of Lord Kallig.

"So close your eyes, dream of flying me around the room, and when you wake up, the first thing you should see is my gorgeous face telling you that you're in the clear--at least, assuming they let me be the one to wake you up."

Dianiss finished the shake and laid down on the cot. She was still nervous and still worried, but managed to find enough calm to close her eyes and begin to relax. The feel of Kari's presence in the Force sitting nearby was comforting, as was the feel of Kari holding Dianiss' hand.

As she began to yawn and drift off, she felt the Force all around her. Everything's going to turn out all right.

Location UNKNOWN
Several Days Later

Dianiss awoke suddenly, surrounded in darkness, or something that FELT like darkness. Maybe the better way to describe it was emptiness. She looked around and found that there was nothing at all to see here, wherever "here" was. There wasn't even a floor--she seemed to be just floating weightlessly as if in outer space.

That's when the heat washed over her like a tidal wave. While the emptiness and weightlessness may have reminded her of being in outer space, she almost longed for the freezing cold of it as well. Instead, she felt like she was sweating uncontrollably in a stifling-hot sauna. It was as if Lord Kallig was extremely angry about something and her innate ability to keep him under control was reduced to a bare minimum. She tried wiping off her forehead with her hands, but discovered that her entire body also felt numb. She didn't feel any sense of touch on either her hand or her forehead.

The voice caught her by surprise.

"Hello, young one. My, but isn't this unusual?"

"Who's there? Where am I?" she asked. There was a faint presence in the direction that the voice came from that felt somewhat familiar.

"Such a pity that you do not remember me." he responded. "I remember you quite well, though I admit I don't recall ever learning your name. It was your connection to the young Miraluka--even across space and time--that foiled my attempts to defeat you. But truly, please know that you have my gratitude. I foresaw the possibility of our defeat and I embraced it. In doing so, I could finally be . . . FREE."

"Free of what? Who are you?"

"Ah, but where are my manners? My given name would mean nothing to you. But at the time we met, you knew me as . . . Calphayus. I'm not aware of what you did to earn being sent here, nor what I did to deserve being granted the mercy of a companion, but where we are is the highest-security facility on Belsavis Prison."

"No." Dianiss said softly, as tears began to well up. "It can't be."

"Welcome. I do hope we can be friends."

Behind the Scenes:
* The inspiration for "Balmorran Beeberry" flavor is teaberry ice cream, which is a favorite of mine. (It's also pink.)
* The verdict, as promised: Guilty!
* No, this is not a dream. Dianiss really was sent to prison. Find out more in the next chapter.
Notes from the Future:
* Once upon a time, I posted something on Reddit about why Calphayus is my favorite operations boss, and a lot of it comes from the Republic side of the Oricon story combined with information that, frankly, I've inferred from some of the details of how he behaves in both of his appearances The Dread Palace. This chapter begins my use of this character, post-Oricon, to explain and expand on my personal take on Dread Master Calphayus.  (It also assumes that, at the end of the Oricon story, you made the light-side decision to let him live.  This is how he ends up right back in the same Belsavis prison that you encounter as part of the Belsavis planetary mission series for Imperial characters.)

Continue to Chapter 24 . . . .