Eternity Vault Puzzle Solver

I know, I know, . . . why in the name of Valkorion do we need YET ANOTHER Eternity Vault solver???

Well, every other solver I've used suffers from at least two or three flaws that always irritate me, so I wrote one of my own that doesn't have any of those issues.

  1. This solver UI allows the quickest possible input: 8 clicks and you're done. Most solvers seem to require 2 or 3 times that, especially ones on web pages.
  2. This solver will take the wheels that require 3 spins and present the solution as either 3L or 3R in a way that minimizes the number of direction changes. For example, instead of solving as 3L/3L/2R/1R, it will display 3R/3R/2R/1R.
  3. It's implemented using the type of window that always stays on top of other windows, which allows it to overlay properly on top of the game screen for people who don't have dual-monitor setups. (This assumes you are using the "Windowed" or "Fullscreen (Windowed)" Graphics options.)
  4. Note that since it's an EXE, you can just run two copies of it if you are solving both North and South.  If you DO run two copies, it will automatically position the second window alongside the first and pre-configure one of the windows to indicate North and the other to indicate South.
  5. Although you will need to be familiar with the colors associated with each of the 6 icons in the puzzle, the window will show you the actual icons in exactly the same layout you see in-game, so you can be certain that you are solving the same puzzle(s) you see in-game.
  6. Finally, the program puts the solution into your computer's clipboard so that you can easily paste the results into the in-game chat window with Control-V.

This program is free for individual players to download and use, but do not re-post it on any publicly-accessible location without prior permission. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me either in-game or via email.

Click here to download

UPDATE: After using it extensively for about a week, I updated the program to feature the following refinements:

  1. You no longer need to click the "Copy to Clipboard" button. Once the program has enough information to solve the puzzle, it automatically copies the solution to clipboard, and updates it if you change the solution. (So 8 clicks and you're done instead of 9).
  2. The "Copy to Clipboard" button has been relabeled "Re-copy to Clipboard" so you can refresh the clipboard contents in case some other program changed it.
  3. The text copied to the clipboard will include an optional prefix of "North:" or "South:" depending on the selection made in a new set of buttons at the bottom.
  4. The text sent to the clipboard does not include spaces, so it is shorter (allowing more room for the prefix).
  5. The Window has a Minimize gadget so you can minimize and restore it.
  6. On a multi-monitor system, the window will open on the same screen where the mouse pointer is when it's launched, so you can effectively control where it will open up by putting a desktop shortcut on the screen where you want it to open.