Power and Betrayal - Introduction

Someone once said, "Art is never finished, only abandoned."  This story is, unfortunately, an example of that.  It is unfinished.  I began writing it in 2014, more than ten years ago now as I write this introduction, and although I do have an outline for how I want it to unfold, including how it ends, actually writing the parts in between became a chore somewhere along the line and I stopped thinking about it . . . which means I stopped having ideas about it.
Nevertheless, there is quite a lot to it, and even though it's roughly at the half-way point in the overall story, it's already much longer than Sianid Ascendant.  I also think it's a better story, since I took what I learned from the process of writing the first one to improve my skills at writing this one.  There's a lot here that I'm proud of, which is why I'm re-publishing it even though it's only half-way there.

Hopefully, someday, I'll pick it up again and finish what I started.  Until that time comes, here is what I've done so far.  The only significant change I've made in this re-post (meaning: other than fixing spelling & grammar mistakes) is that I've re-arranged the chapter numbers a bit to better reflect the story structure.  In truth, the story is conceived as a trilogy but originally (partially) published as one big story.  (Hey, hind-sight can be AWESOME at times!)
Note that, like in Sianid Ascendant, I'll be including updated "Notes from the Future" with each chapter.

The original introduction from when I first started writing it follows below.  Enjoy!

Before you begin...

If you have not already done so, I highly recommend that you start by reading "Meet the Zechman Legacy" to learn about the cast of characters in it and the relationships between them.

This story takes place several months after the events of Sianid Ascendant. It is not necessary to read that story first, but you should be warned that this story will contain indirect spoilers for it. 

Continue to Prologue . . . .