
Class: Smuggler / Scoundrel
Race: Twi'lek
Age: ~ 25
Alignment: Light
Crew Skill: Armstech (with Slicing/Investigation)
Character Concept:
Your basic Smuggler with informal ties to the Jedi
Important Relationships:
- Dianiss (a childhood friend)

Young Kari from clan Arra was  just a little girl when she and her mother came to settle in a small village on Tython, just to the east of a large temple. It was there that she discovered these strange aliens (a few of whom were also Twi'lek) called "Jedi" and was fascinated by them and the things they were able to do. As fate would have it, she soon met another little girl from the temple who was about her age named Dianiss--and who was just as fascinated by the Twi'lek.

The two become fast friends, sharing a common curiosity of the world around them and, although they did not realize it at the time, the common bond of having been separated from their fathers at a young age. While the Jedi younglings were discouraged from leaving the temple grounds, Dianiss was a common sight in the Twi'lek village, and conversely young Kari was one of the few non-Jedi who would often visit the temple and not think of it as a place to avoid because of fear and trepidation about its strange inhabitants.

In fact, Kari was so comfortable around the Jedi that one of the pair's favorite games to play was for Dianiss to use to the Force to lift Kari into the air, and float her up and down and around in circles while Kari would laugh and yell "I'm flying!"--when most anyone else, let alone a child, would ordinarily be frightened by such a thing. (And make no mistake: accidents and minor injuries DID happen.) But that little game, probably more than anything, was the reason the young Jedi's masters allowed this attachment to go on: because little Dianiss was voluntarily (and quite often) training herself without realizing it, not to mention demonstrating a deep, strong connection to the Force at a young age.

As they grew into young adulthood, life's increasing responsibilities meant they couldn't spend as much time together, but they still maintained their friendship and still shared the details of each others' lives as friends do. As a result, Kari learned about the Jedi, their culture, history, rituals, and even their strengths and weaknesses to a level that precious few outsiders do. On the other hand, Kari also taught her human friend all about the Twi'lek culture, history, rituals, . . . the dances she was learning . . . and to everyone's chagrin, the Twi'lek notions of female sexuality.

And just as those little accidents from childhood play influenced Dianiss to learn the art of healing, so did the thrill of "I'm flying!" lead Kariharra to learn to be a real pilot--and a good one thanks to a lifetime of her thinking it to be just as normal as breathing.

Today, though working as an independent freighter captain, she is a strong ally of the Jedi, shipping cargo for them and assisting anywhere she can. And the opportunities arise much more often than one might expect, since there always seems to be a need for someone to go places where the Jedi cannot, to meet with someone the Jedi should not, or to deliver some cargo in a way that keeps the Jedi's involvement a secret.

And for any job that takes her to Tython, she'll be the first to sign up.

Origin of the name:
When I originally created Kari, her name was "Kariharra" and it was spelled that way in-game for over three years. "Kariharra" borrows from one of my niece's names, combined with Harrah's Casino, to evoke the idea of the risky and legal--but on the edge of not--lifestyle of the Smuggler.
I've since read up on Twi'lek culture and language a lot more since creating her, and in the Power and Betrayal story I've done a bit of a retcon on her name so that she's really "Kari" from clan "Arra", the proper Ryl pronunciation is "Kari'arra", and "Kariharra" is how most non-Twi'lek pronounce her name in Galactic Basic. Eventually, I did rename the character in-game when the opportunity of an inexpensive rename presented itself.
Origin of the Costume:
I ultimately went with (mostly) the Casual Vandal set, since it strikes the right balance between being practical, comfortable, appropriate-looking for a smuggler, and with just a touch of sexiness with the open jacket (a nod to her casual attitude about nudity).
  • Kari was my 4th character, created largely because I wanted to establish the Smuggler Buff for my legacy. As such, I had taken her to the end of Chapter 2 and more-or-less stopped there until almost TWO YEARS later when I finished Chapter 3 over the Thanksgiving 2013 Double-XP weekend.
  • I went with a female Twi'lek in part because I wanted to see the special dance ability they have. Having chosen Twi'lek, putting her in the Tython village near the Jedi Temple and creating the close association with Dianiss was an easy, perfect fit.
  • The "H" is silent. Kari-arra. But everybody just calls her "Kari" anyway.
  • Because of her close ties to Dianiss, she shares many of the same speech patterns ("Hi!") and silly sense of humor. She knows Dianiss very well, and will always be fiercely loyal to her.
  • Before you ask, yes Kari does wear pants (unless she's dancing).
  • When running The Esseles, I always joke that Ambassador Asara is Kari's mother. ("Mom?!? What are you doing here?")