
Class: Trooper / Commando
Race: Mirialan
Age: ~25
Alignment: Light
Crew Skill: Armormech
Character Concept:
A Jedi Padawan who failed to become a Knight
Important Relationships:
- Galadina (A close friend)
- Dianiss (A Padawan rival)
- Annanya (His Padawan Master)
- Reyeenaa (A distant relative)

Kendsel was young boy from Naboo who, like any child in the Republic who is found to have Force Sensitivity, was adopted by the Jedi order. He proved to be a bright boy, with an interest in technology and a deep devotion to Republic.

He also, from a young age, possessed a rare talent for the perception of "shatterpoints" and seeing into the near future with the Force. (A "shatterpoint" is a Force phenomenon where the Jedi can perceive weak spots or faults in an object--or critical moments in time where a small action can have a much larger effect in the events that follow.) As a result, his early training (which was focused primarily on schoolwork and Force Sense skills) went quite well. By the time he passed his Initiate Trials, he was considered one of Tython's best. He was quickly chosen as a Padawan by none other than Master Annanya herself and began his training in the ways of the Jedi Shadow.

But while his Force Sensory skills were quite remarkable (he was sometimes called "a Miraluka with eyes"), his Force Control skills were always merely adequate and his Force Alter abilities proved to be all but non-existent. As a Padawan, he began to fall behind as the training in Control and Alter skills increasingly became the primary focus.

He also had the misfortune of crossing paths with another young Padawan named Dianiss, who was one of the most powerfully gifted Padawans Tython has ever seen (owing to her unusual origins, of which only a few of the Jedi Masters were permitted to know). Even back then, Dianiss was flirty with the male Padawans and was often seen "showing off" her abilities for Kendsel in an immature attempt to attract his attention. Unfortunately for the both of them, her efforts more often had the opposite effect of embarrassing or humiliating him by spotlighting--often publicly--his weaknesses.

The one bright spot in his life on Tython was the friendship he formed with another Padawan named Galadina. The two of them found that they both had many things in common: they both excelled in Force Sense abilities, they both were struggling in their training (by lacking the innate abilities that their chosen disciplines demanded), and they both were constantly running afoul of Dianiss' antics--with Dina's gut reaction in such situations to protect him however she could.

And had they not both been Jedi, he might have even loved her.

When the time came to take on the Jedi Trials, he passed the Trial of Insight easily. The Trial of Flesh and Trial of Spirit were also passed, but barely. In the Trial of Skill, however, he was a three-time failure. And because of his repeated inability to overcome his insecurities in that trial, he was also deemed to have failed the Trial of Courage.

He would not become a Jedi Knight.

When the time came to meet with the Reassignment Council, he already knew that he would not be suited to the Jedi Service Corps. So instead he requested, and was granted, permission to leave the Jedi Order and join the Republic Military. As was tradition, he would still carry the simple title of "Jedi" (but not "Knight" or "Master"--nor "Padawan").

As a soldier, he found a new purpose and a new destiny. His talent for seeing shatterpoints made him both an excellent marksman, as well as a cunning tactician. With some assistance from a distant relative back on Naboo named Reyeenaa, he was able to earn a place on one of the Republic's elite special-forces units, "Havoc Squad."

Today, he still defends the Republic in a way very different from the one he once thought. He still maintains strong connections with the Jedi Order, and still keeps in contact with his friends from Tython . . . especially Galadina.

Origin of the name:
Kendsel is a combination of "Kendo" (the Japanese art of sword fighting), and "Edsel" (a Ford sedan from the 1950's that was most famous for being a commercial failure, despite having huge expectations for success). Kendsel was a failure with the lightsaber, so he took up the gun in its place.
Origin of the Costume:
The goal of Kendsel's costume is to make him look as much like a Jedi as possible--even though he's also carrying and using a big gun. Getting a trooper to look like a Jedi isn't actually THAT difficult, but he did have to hit a minimum level (19) to be able to start using the gear I'd picked out for him. It's a full set of "Peacekeeper" series. I may change out a few things as he levels up, but he'll always maintain the appearance and style of a Jedi.
  • I wanted to tell the story of what happens to a Jedi who doesn't quite measure up. The idea interested me because it sets up the protagonist as both heroic and tragic at the same time--which, again, is one of those contradictions that I like (aside from the obvious "Jedi with an Assault Cannon").
  • You'd be surprised at how much research I did to get my "facts" straight with Star Wars canon about the Jedi trials, customs and culture (insofar as anything fictional can be called "facts").
  • "The Boulder Incident" was originally written as part of Kendsel's bio here, except that it was making the bio WAY too long. Since that story was more about the relationship between Dianiss and Galadina anyway, I changed the structure a bit and made it a stand-alone--which also let me give a little teaser that a new character was coming.
  • Another guideline I used in fleshing out Kendsel and his story is to make him a foil for Dianiss in all the ways that Sianid is not. Put another way, he is the opposite of Dianiss in ways that Sianid is the same (male, not very powerful, different race, no familial connection, not a Sage/Sorcerer).
  • Did someone say "Reyeenaa"? Yes, Rey is and has been my Trooper mentor here, since Ken is my first. I can think of no better role-model, and so Rey gets a mention here (much like Casei did for Dianiss) along with my thanks.
  • In fact, Kendsel's full name is "Kendsel DeReyna", first mentioned in Power and Betrayal.
  • I initially created Kendsel as a Cyborg, then regretted it not long after when I learned of the Mirialan social ability,"<url=>Focusing Ritual", which is another excellent way to make a Trooper look and act like a Jedi. Thanks to Version 2.1 and the Appearance Designer, I was able to ret-con him as a Mirialan after all.