On board Zarvell's ship headed back to Dromund Kaas, Denevee was sleeping after all the exertion of Ilum, and Zarvell took advantage of the opportunity to read a message from "Fallen Angel."

The thief comes, as requested.

"Excellent." Zarvell said. "...though it does mean that we shall require Denevee's assistance once again. I'll speak to her when she awakens."

"My Lord, isn't this a bit risky . . . 'stirring the pot', as it were, even more?" Talos asked.

"It is, Drellik, but perhaps not so much as you think. There ARE certain psychohistorical principles in play here, and we can ensure that our desired outcome approaches inevitability so long as all of the relevant foundational vectors are properly aligned. In this particular case, it is more to our advantage to have an adversary working against us."

"Sir, I'm afraid I don't follow."

"Well, I suppose that is a bit misleading. It's not so much the 'working against us' itself that's better for us. It is the knowing that one is working against us. It's far preferable to have an adversary focused on a task than having that adversary be unfocused and thus unpredictable."

"Ah...so this is a case of, as you say, 'what we can predict, we can prepare for', is it?"

"Exactly. By directing this one into a known, expected course of action, we can feasibly prune the master graph from 14 major vector paths down to 6, leaving us with..." He paused a moment in thought. "...with no more than 35 total contingencies. Still, that is more than I'd prefer. We must proceed carefully."

"I've never known you to do it any other way, My Lord."

"And to that end, I shall have to ask you to acquire some special dispensations from the Imperial Reclamation Service on my authority. There's only one place that all of this could possibly end up, and only the Sith are permitted there."

"And what place is this?" Talos asked, his curiosity piqued.

"The place where it all began...."


Galadina sat alongside the path in front of the temple that lead to the nearby ruins, contemplating. Nearby, she could overhear Masters Silvarte and Yollo speaking to a young student, asking her to find a pair of padawans at the ruins whom they suspected of carrying on a romantic relationship.

So much had happened since she'd been a padawan herself. But given recent events, she felt drawn to this particular spot--the site of the infamous "Boulder Incident".

As if on cue, she felt the presence of her friend Kendsel approaching on a speeder.

"Dina, there you are." he said. Then, with a sudden realization, he added, "Oh, you're here."

"Hiya." Normally, just being in his presence was enough to make her smile, but not this time.

"Look, as much as I'd like to stay and reminisce about all the good times we had when I was failing my trials and you were in a coma, I do have to report back to Coruscant right away. Colonel Corvioch is not going to be happy about what happened. Granted, I don't expect he'll be too hard on me, what with Master Annanya having been there too. I'm sure she'll smooth things over."

"Wait, what is this connection between her and-"

"Anyway, before I go, I wanted to say goodbye, and to tell you a couple of things."

"Tell me what?"

"First: You. Kick. Ass. Never let anyone tell you different. That goes double for you yourself. You might be able to hide all this self-doubt from other people, but not from me. Never from me."

Dina smiled a little, if reluctantly. He really did know her better than anyone else in her life, and they both knew it.

"Second: If you care at all for the Jedi, the Republic, or . . . the galaxy for that matter . . . your answer is yes. Don't argue. Just swallow your pride, say yes, and go along with it."

"Huh? Yes to what?"

"Dina, back on Ilum, the Force showed me a shatterpoint where Dianiss was going to die, but that she could be saved--except that afterward she'd go on to become a slave of the dark side. If we had just let her go, she'd eventually find her way back to us." He let out a sad-sounding sigh. "She would be irreparably harmed, but she'd be back, and she'd be--mostly--her old self. But when her brother attacked her, it changed things. A LOT."

"Changed things how?"

"Honestly, I can't really explain the how, but something in her got awoken. After our failure at Ilum, I saw another shatterpoint, one where the whole galaxy is affected. Right now she's on a path to not only becoming a thing of darkness, but in all likelihood some kind of new Imperial Empress, and with a vengeance that she means to carry out on Jedi and Sith equally. And eventually, in every possible scenario that follows from this point on, given enough time . . . she'll win, because she can NOT be killed."

The look on Dina's face asked the question as clearly as if she'd spoken it out loud.

"She's . . . already been killed. She's still dead." he answered.

"No." Dina said, completely aghast. "That's not true. That's impossible. I saw her. I FOUGHT her."

"I know. And you'll need to do it again. She can't be killed, trust me. I saw many, MANY attempts in her future . . . and they all fail. BUT . . . she CAN be turned. She CAN be redeemed. You are the key to that. It has to be you."

"ME?!? Why me?"

"All I know is what I saw. The why is never obvious."

"So what did you see? What am I supposed to say 'yes' to?"

Kendsel paused, trying to remember the details. "I'm . . . not sure, exactly. It'll be a journey to some place, but . . . I don't know where. You'll have to do some things that you ordinarily wouldn't do, but you need to just say yes. You need to be at that right place at the right time."

He had a flash of insight as an odd memory came back to him.

"OH! And I know that light-blue--the color--is connected to it somehow."

He paused again, realizing that he'd just stuck his foot in his mouth, talking about colors with his blind friend. "Aaaaaaaand that's completely useless to you, isn't it?"

"Um, yeah. Kind of."

"Well, I guess I'm saying you should trust in the Force. It will lead you where you need to go, just as it always shows me what I need to see." He thought back momentarily to the image of Galadina attacking Dianiss. "Sometimes too much." he muttered.

Kendsel's pulse and blood pressure elevated a bit, and Dina couldn't help but notice that her friend was having a physiological reaction to whatever he was thinking about. But it wasn't fear. It was something more...inimate.

"Hey, hold on. There's something you're not telling me. Out with it."

Kendsel visibly blushed. Even Dina could tell.

"Really, it's better that you not-"

"You know I can make you tell me." she interrupted, holding her hand up in the classic "Jedi Mind Trick" gesture. She couldn't really do it, of course, but it was an in-joke they used to share from their earliest days on Tython--it was more like threatening to tickle someone.

Kendsel relented, embarrassed. "Okay. Um, you might not be aware of this, but you're quite an attractive-looking, um, y'know, female . . . woman.  Aaaaaaaand, um, yeah. That's even more true when you don't, um, y'know, have your . . . clothes . . . on...."



Kari'arra had taken the opportunity of being on Tython to go visit some friends and family. She had almost gotten to the edge of the village when her holo-communicator chirped to indicate an incoming call--except that it wasn't a call at all, but a pre-recorded message. She clicked the button for playback.

The image of Zedemm appeared.

"Please meet me in the airlock of Scoundrel's Vacation as soon as possible to discuss an urgent matter. It concerns recent 'icy' events. Don't delay. Time is of the essence."

"Huh. I wonder what this is all about. It had better be a JOB."


In her temporary quarters in the Jedi Temple, Galadina received the exact same message.

". . . concerns recent 'icy' events. Don't delay. Time is of the essence."

"I wonder what he wants." she thought to herself. Then another thought occurred to her. "I wonder if this is what Ken was talking about?"


Sianid stepped off the orbital shuttle onto the surface of Korriban, took in a deep breath, and began walking toward the Sith Academy, with Ashara following behind. The rest of the crew remained on the ship, with Khem/Qyzen and HK-51 having been given specific instructions to watch over Dianiss' body.


"Yes, My Lord?"

"Have you been talking to Zash?"

"Well, yes, of course. We were on board the ship for many days while you were . . . away."

"Don't be coy with me, little one. You know what I mean."

"She did speak to me about your time as her apprentice, and I did learn about what she tried to do to you."

Sianid fixed Ashara with a look that said 'we are not amused', but continued walking. "Close enough." she said with obvious annoyance.

She continued. "Since you know what Zash attempted, you probably know that she would attempt it again, using the girl's body instead of mine . . . or maybe mine again . . . or yours even. In any case, I cannot allow this. Do you understand?"

"Perfectly, my Master."

"I want you to know that I am not, in fact, responsible for the girl's present condition. Nor will, according to my best sources, any actual harm come to her with what I have planned. It is a simple transfer of power, that is all. Afterward, it should be possible to restore her to life, albeit, life without the Force."

"Forgive me, Master, but why are you telling me this?"

"For what is to come, I will require your assistance. Because of this, I must ask you for your solemn word as a Jedi that you will not assist Zash in any way. I am telling you this so that you can give me that word without any sort of hesitation or conflict. In short, I am in a position where I need to trust someone, and you are quite possibly the only trustworthy person I know."

"Thank you, Master."

"Some of the same items and rituals that Zash used then will be involved in what we are about to do. I must not have Zash interfering, neither before nor after. So do I have your word, as a Jedi?  I should add that, if we are successful, I'll be in a position to grant you a good deal more freedom than you now have, though to be clear you will still remain in my service."

"Master, I give you my word, as a Jedi, that I will not assist Darth Zash--"

"Just 'Zash', little one. She is no Darth."

"Of course. I will not assist Zash in any way. You have my word as a Jedi."

"Thank you, Ashara." she said as they started up the stairs to the Sith Academy. "When we get inside, there are several texts and items I need you to collect for me. You will read all of the texts. I will be in my office. Do NOT disturb or in any way interrupt me, for ANY reason, nor allow anyone else to do so."

"Yes, My Lord."


Galadina's shuttle arrived at the orbital station and she quickly found the correct airlock. She found no one waiting there, but the door to the ship itself was open and she heard Zedemm's voice inside. "Of course, there will be the usual payment and an allowance for ordinary expenses." she heard him say as she approached.

"Well, of course I'll do it." Kari answered. "But there is no way you're going to get her to agree to this . . . any of it."

"Hiya! Agree to what?" Dina asked.

"Ah, Dina, my dear. You're here. Excellent. How's your arm?"

"It's better, thank you. Probably back to normal in a day or two. Why did you call me here?"

"Ever the curious one, my Little Dina, and right to business. Very well. But first, I must thank you for saving my life."

"It's nothing you wouldn't do for me."

"Quite true. The reason I asked you here is because I need to discuss something with you that must be kept private, even from the Jedi."

Dina was immediately suspicious. "What is it you want to discuss?"

"I would like to ask you for a personal favour."

"What kind of favor needs to be kept a secret from the Jedi?"

"Well . . . it's about my sister Dianiss. I should like for you to come with me to Dromund Kaas, and become an apprentice to a Sith Lord. A Darth, actually."

Dina was stunned speechless.

Kari laughed out loud. "WOW!!!  That has got to be the worst sales pitch I've ever heard in my life!  Am I on some hidden-camera practical joke show right now?"

He continued, undaunted. "The arrangement will only be temporary, I assure you, but we shall need to leave right away. There is no need to send for your things from Tython, you really won't be needing them. But I do need an answer quickly."

Dina's mind was reeling. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Not at all. Do you trust me?"

"The last time you asked me that question, you made a MESS of things--you might have even caused us to lose her."

"I assure you that I had my reasons, ones which I can share with you if you come with me."

"We were almost both killed. We were almost ALL killed."

"We were not killed, and I was quite certain we would not be. After all, you ARE ever the curious one. I'm quite surprised that you seem to have forgotten about the shoto."

Dina thought back for a moment. That seemed like such a long time ago.

"I did recover it while you were unconscious." he continued. "I have it on board with me now. I had intended for you to keep it, if you like. It may prove useful again."

"So . . . what color was it, er, is it?"

"It's called cyan, which is a type of blue, but lighter and brighter, with a hint of Consular green, and quite rare. I thought it extremely appropriate for a Guardian of your . . . uniqueness."

"The answer is YES."

This time, Kari was stunned speechless.


Sianid, alone in her office, was deep in meditation, studying the connection through the Force with Dianiss, when at last she heard the approach of the visitor she was expecting.

"I was hoping to see you here." she said. "It's been too long. Where have you been?"

"Closer than you think." he replied.

"I have the girl now. We must go over the final preparations."

"I know. And, yes, we must."


The Scoundrel's Vacation was in hyperspace on its way to Imperial space with it's three passengers.

"Dina? Captain? Can you both come here for a moment?" Zedemm shouted.

The two of them converged on the holo-terminal room, Kari from the bridge and Dina from the crew quarters.

"Ladies, we shall be crossing into Imperial space soon, so we must prepare. First, ..."

Zedemm opened up a small storage box and handed a data disc from it to Kari.

"...you should use these ship transponder codes in place of your normal Republic registry. That will assist us with avoiding unwanted attention."

"Well actually, Mister Helpful Jedi, I've already got a fake Imperial registry, but thanks all the same. This is not my first run into enemy space."

"...a fact of which I am already aware. However, this time we will be setting down on Dromund Kaas, the capitol world of the Sith Empire, and this GENUINE Imperial registry will grant you diplomatic access."

"Oh...." Already, Kari was imagining the possibilities. "I get to keep that when this is over, right?"

"You may take that up with the registry's owner at the appropriate hour."

"Second..." he continued, "...there is the matter of our OWN identities after we have landed. As you may know, I am--technically--still a citizen of the Empire. So I will be able to enter under my own name without raising TOO many suspicions. And as a Sith, even as an Apprentice Sith, the security officials will be highly disincentivized from challenging me."

"Okay, so what about us?" Dina asked.

"Well, as you know, the Empire is entirely ruled by humans and the so-called Sith purebloods. All other 'aliens' are relegated to permanent slavery status, including Twi'leks and Miralukas. So the two of you will pose as the slaves of my Sith Master. Again, this will dramatically reduce the likelihood of being challenged, as no one will give a second thought to the presence of a couple of slaves in the company of a Sith."

"I . . . suppose that makes sense." Dina responded, though her tone made it clear that she had reservations.

"I shan't be selling you if that is your concern, at least not unless you wish to make a permanent career of it, which I don't recommend."

"Right...." was all Dina could say, and mostly to herself. Zedemm's dry sense of humor could be . . . an acquired taste at times.

"Either way," he continued, "you'll need to look the part, so I've taken the liberty of acquiring suitable attire for the both of you. I have it on good authority that these are the correct sizes for both of you." He pulled out some clothing--some VERY revealing clothing--from the storage box and handed one bundle to each of them. "We've not much time, you should change into these immediately to get the feel and fit of them."

"Way ahead of you, Boss." Kari replied. She had already begun undressing when he'd mentioned 'acquiring suitable attire' and was just now starting to remove her underwear.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Dina exclaimed. "I can't just change into THIS!" She held the bundle out in front of herself as if to try to hand it back to him.  "It's WAY too...."

"Well, my dear..." Zedemm responded, "...I hadn't intended to mean that you should change into it right here in front of me..."

"No worries." Kari interjected.

"...but we can't have you looking like a Jedi, now, can we?" he finished.

"Now hold on a minute." Kari asked, in a tone that made it clear that she didn't at all understand what was happening. "Do you mean to tell me, that a girl from a race of BLIND people, actually objects to other people SEEING her body?!?" She had the new panties on, and was just starting to put on the top. "I mean, IT CAN'T POSSIBLY be a sexual thing for your people."

"You don't understand."

"Then help me understand. Either you've never seen a naked person in your life, or EVERY person you've ever quote-unquote 'seen' in your life is essentially naked in the Force. Which is it?"

Dina sighed. "It's neither. But I imagine, from your point of view, it's closer to 'everybody's naked'. The Force flows from all living beings, but passes through inanimate objects as well, so I can tell what and where they are.  So, for me, nothing's really invisible but nothing's really opaque either . . . at least, as I understand the meaning of those words."

"(These are nice, by the way.)" Kari whispered to Zedemm on the side, while adjusting her breasts in the bra-like top to maximize her cleavage. "(Good call on the smaller cup sizes.)"

"But it has nothing to do with that." Dina continued. "It's about being a Jedi and following the Jedi Code, something you'd know nothing about."

Kari snorted as if to laugh and said "Right...." while rolling her eyes.

"Without modesty, it creates temptation, and invites intimacy. That invites attachments. It's not right. It's especially not right for me when I could always sense all too well the effect that it had on the boys when Dianiss would go around dressed like some Twi'lek dancer in a..."


"Ladies! Please calm yourselves." Zedemm interrupted.

Dina took a deep breath and centered herself. "Captain Kariharra, I apologize. I reacted with inappropriate emotion. I should not have said what I did about Twi'lek dancers. I am sorry."

"Apology accepted, Master Jedi. And . . . to be fair . . . it actually WAS my people who taught Dianiss how to dance like that. Speaking of which, you'd better hurry and go get changed, because I'm going to need to give you some quick lessons, too."


"Well, these outfits..." Kari motioned towards herself. "...aren't just slave outfits. They're actually sex slave outfits."

Zedemm was already walking away as Dina's head snapped in his direction with an accusing expression.

"It's okay, really." Kari continued. "This is actually perfect for undercover work. It's a disguise, a distraction. The more you make them look at your body, the less they'll look you in the . . . well, they won't look you in the eye, but . . . y'know . . . at your face. If they never really see your face, they can't ID you. Any description they try to give will come out sounding more like the fantasy that they imagine rather than the real you."

"Plus...", Kari continued with a sly grin, "...I can show you how to hide a small lightsaber."

Dina thought back to Kendsel's warning about doing things that she wouldn't ordinarily do, and about how very high the stakes had become. "Okay, whatever it takes." she said as she started to undress.
Behind the Scenes:
* Chapter 9 was all about picking up the pieces from the failure at Ilum. Chapter 10 continues this, but now all the involved parties are preparing for what comes next.
* We get a bit more insight into Zarvell's thinking and methods here. I'm a fan of Isaac Azimov.
* I have to admit, I enjoy writing Kendsel and Galadina. It's a quirky sort of relationship with just a dash of sexual tension, which I delved into a bit more here.
* Did you catch my Empire Strikes Back reference?
* Ashara's switch from "My Lord" to "Master" (and back) was deliberate. When Sianid is getting impatient and angry with her, Ashara switches to "Master" to be as respectful and obedient as possible in that moment.
* I wanted to play a bit more with the concept of Miralukas and their blindness, I find the concept fascinating. I don't know if my take on it resembles Star Wars canon in any way, but if not, I think my version is more interesting.
* And by "more interesting", I'm not referring to the PG-13 content (or R if this were a movie).
* I almost left the last scene for the next chapter, breaking the setup of Kendsel's vision and the payoff of the slave outfits across two different chapters. But I think it makes a better ending to this chapter.
* Plus, remember how Dianiss has had in-game costume changes to follow the story...?
Notes from the Future:
* For a while after this chapter was published, I had switched Galadina's gear to the Nar Shadda Slave Girl outfit and a Cyan crystal in her lightsaber, and similarly switched up Kari's gear to the same.  Today, in the Outfit Designer, it's still one of the current characters' outfits.  (The "Sianid" outfit is also one of Dianiss' many outfits in the Outfit Designer for the same reason.)