
Class: Jedi Knight / Sentinel
Race: Human
Age: ~ 34
Alignment: Light
Crew Skill: Artifice
Character Concept:
A Sith turned Jedi, seeking redemption for his past
Important Relationships:
- Dianiss (his half-sister)
- Zarvell (his father)
- Galadina (his former Padawan, sort of)

Zedemm was a young and promising Sith who made up for a merely moderate strength in the Force with exceptional lightsaber skills. He is credited with the slayings of many Republic soldiers and civilians, as well as several Jedi Padawans--all while still an apprentice and before turning 17.

As is often the case with someone who succeeds in spite of being "inferior" in the eyes of others, his growing reputation made him a target to those who thought they could quickly make a reputation for themselves by bringing down the young kensai. Many tried, as is the way of the Sith, but few succeeded. Those that did succeed never served him a humiliating defeat, but his many victories only served to make him even more of a target, promising that a day of reckoning would come.

That day came at the age of 19 when he was attacked and defeated by one of his rivals, and in the process suffered a devastating head injury. That concussion left him with brain damage that inhibited his ability to feel strong emotions.

And THAT IS a humiliating defeat for a Sith.

Fearing for his son's life, his father Zarvell arranged to smuggle Zedemm and his young sister Dianiss out of the Empire and into the Republic, hoping that Zedemm could reconnect to the Force without strong emotion through the Jedi's teachings of calm, peace, and serenity.

Zedemm was resistant to the idea to say the least, but his life as a Sith blademaster was already over and he realized that he had no other choice.

As a Jedi, Zedemm has come to reconnect with the Force through the light side, and stronger than ever, turning his handicap into a strength. However, even though the Council has repeatedly granted it, he refuses to take the title of Knight or take on a Padawan because of his past transgressions. Instead, he forever carries the title of Padawan (though, paradoxically, he has not had a master for many years), believing that he is not and never will be worthy of the title.

Today, when not doing dangerous combat missions, he teaches lightsaber combat to the Younglings and Padawans on Tython, specializing in the subject of effective techniques for dueling against Sith enemies.

Origin of the name:
A combination of "Zed", as in "Z for Zero" (an indication of his new-found humility) with the stem of "rEDEMption" (his greatest desire)
It should be pronounced with both syllables stressed ("cocoa", "jumpstart") rather than on just the first syllable ("saber", "bounty") or just the second ("cartel", "perfume").
Origin of the Costume:
While leveling up, I came across an orange chest piece called Sith Blademaster's Vest. PERFECT. Everything else is just designed to look good with that robe.
  • Having grown up in the Empire, Zedemm speaks with the "Imperial Accent" and uses their more formal grammar and diction.
  • Look closely, and you can see the scars on the side of his face from his injury.
  • Thanks to his emotionally-stunted outlook on life, he has almost no sense of humor, except for sarcasm, which he delivers as dry as the desert.
  • The idea for Zedemm (a Sith-turned-Jedi, because of an inability to channel the dark side) actually pre-dates SWTOR. Originally, the concept was an attempt to imagine "falling to the LIGHT side" and how that could actually happen.
  • Zedemm was my first character, and because of that, (and plain old vanity) he looks a lot like me.