The Dark Book of Sage

Sages are strong in the Force and often deployed as healers for the Jedi Order.

But SOME sages . . . though nominally healers, are also known to be murderers.😲 

The following is a chronicle of just how many ways there are for a Sage to murder an ally.

Type 1: "The Casei"
Named after its originator, the Sage jumps off a fatal ledge, but pulls the victim off the ledge during the fall, causing both to fall to their deaths.
First known perpetrator and victim: Casei and Jomae
Difficulty Level: Medium
Danger Level: Fatal

Type 1a: "The Non-Suicidal Casei"
In the Mandalorian Raiders flashpoint, there are a pair of synchronized descending elevators. The Sage jumps off the first elevator and pulls the victim after the jump in a standard Type-1. If timed correctly, the Sage will fall onto the second descending elevator a (barely) non-fatal distance, while the victim's fall will be longer--and fatal--due to the delay between the Sage's jump and the Sage's pull--along with the small upward vector that the pull itself imparts on the victim.
First known perpetrator and victim: Dianiss and Junei (Jomae)
Difficulty Level: High (precise timing required)
Danger Level: High

Type 1b: "The Casei Walk"
The Sage plants a Phase Walk prior to executing a standard Type-1. While falling, the Sage teleports back up to safety while the victim is left falling. This technique requires quick timing but is relatively easy and reliably prevents the Sage from dying while the victim's death by fatal fall is assured.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: Medium
Danger Level: Low

Type 2: "The Ledge" a.k.a. "Bridge Boss Assistance"
The Sage stands facing the edge of a sheer drop, and pulls the victim to the usual landing zone immediately in front of the Sage. With nowhere to land, the victim is killed by the fall into the chasm.
Difficulty Level: Low
Danger Level: None

Type 3: "Esseles Pinball"
In the Esseles flashpoint, when the victim is jumping down the pipes to the garbage chute, the Sage pulls the victim upward, causing the victim to fall uncontrolled through the entire depth of the pit, bouncing off the pipes rather than landing on them.
First known perpetrator and victim: Dianiss and Rafalskimi
Difficulty Level: Low
Danger Level: None

Type 4: "The Cademimu"
Named for the flashpoint featuring a tall, faster-than-gravity decending elevator platform where this type originated, the Sage pulls the victim across the elevator platform, lifting the victim up just enough to be unable to "catch up" to the descending platform, falling the entire distance instead.
Difficulty Level: None
Danger Level: None

Type 5: "The Ankle-Buster"
On a rising platform, the Sage pulls the victim across the platform, causing the victim to land in front of the Sage, but at the vertical position of the Sage at the time of the pull--which is now lower than the platform itself. The victim is either killed immediately from being inside a solid object or falls through the bottom of the platform into whatever lies below.
Difficulty Level: Low
Danger Level: None

Type 6: "Over the Shoulder"
This type requires some degree of skill and timing to successfully perpetrate. The Sage jumps up and casts the pull at the apex of the jump. If done properly, the victim will fly past the Sage to land in a spot BEHIND the Sage, which can be a deadly area and/or fatal drop.
Difficulty Level: High
Danger Level: None

Type 7: "Going Down"
The Sage stands next to--but not on--the top of an elevator and pulls the victim onto the elevator. If timed properly, the platform is present at the time of the pull (establishing the landing zone at a "safe" place), but the platform falls away during the victim's "flight". The victim falls down the elevator shaft. This type is notable in that it can be used on the Fleet to override the "safety protocols" in place there.
First known perpetrator and victim: Seav (RS) and Dianiss (who was cooperating)
Difficulty Level: Moderate (precise timing required)
Danger Level: None

Type 8: "Force Barrier Override"
When another Sage activates Force Barrier to avoid being killed, the Sage pulls that victim Sage a short distance, cancelling the Force Barrier and leaving the ability on cooldown. The victim Sage is killed by whatever original threat warranted the use of Force Barrier.
First known perpetrator and victim: Casei and Dianiss (TfB Dread Guards battle)
Difficulty Level: None
Danger Level: None

Type 9: "The Death Star"
In the Toborro's Courtyard encounter, the Sage waits in the middle of the field when the boss fires its giant beam.  Just before the beam goes off, the Sage pulls the victim into the beam and activates Force Barrier in order to survive.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: High (precise timing and optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: Moderate
Type 9a: "Death Star Override"
If the victim of a Type-9 is also a Sage, the victim Sage can turn the tables on the attacker by pulling the attacker out of Force Barrier, similar to the Type 8 above.  This is potentially extremely difficult depending on the short window of time one has in which to do it.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: Extreme (very precise timing and reaction time required)
Danger Level: High
Type 9b: "Death Star Hyperspace"
The attacking Sage uses Phase Walk to escape the boss' beam rather than Force Barrier.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: High (precise timing and optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: Low
Type 10: "Dark Sage's Design"
In the first half of the Macrobinocular Heroic finale mission "Dark Design" (or "All the Pieces" on the Imperial side) there is a phase where the party must jump across moving vehicles to catch the fleeing Maki’Voro. As a safeguard against cheating, the use of Rescue in any form during this phase causes the rescued player to be instantly killed upon landing, even in the case of an otherwise safe landing. The Sage can use this environment to murder teammates with perfect reliability.
Difficulty Level: None
Danger Level: None
Type 11: "Brontes' Embrace"
In the Dread Fortress battle with Dread Master Brontes, during the phase where the Reach of Brontes spawn out of the ground, the Sage pulls the victim through the lightning channel of two Reaches. The victim is murdered with 100% reliability while the Sage is in no danger at all from the maneuver.
First known perpetrator and victim: Sorcerers Aztec and Taffik (discovered by Nadana in a YouTube video)
First known perpetrator and victim outside of the video: Dianiss and Aenye (RS)
Difficulty Level: None (opportunistic positioning required)
Danger Level: Very Low

Type 11a: "Brontes' Sweeping Hand"
This type works exactly like "Brontes' Embrace", above, but instead of using the lightning spawned by the Reach of Brontes, the Sage uses the rotating lightning spawned by Dread Master Brontes herself during the 50% transition phase.
Inventor: Beats
Difficulty Level: None (opportunistic positioning required)
Danger Level: Very Low
Type 11b: "Brontes Final Hand"
This is essentially identical to Type 11a above, but executed during the final Dread Palace encounter as Dread Master Brontes is about to be defeated and repeats her rotating lightning attack from the 50% HP transition phase of Dread Fortress.
Difficulty Level: None (opportunistic positioning required)
Danger Level: Very Low

Type 12: "Brontes' Smackdown"
In the Dread Fortress battle with Dread Master Brontes on Hard Mode, during the near-final phase where 6 Fingers of Brontes and 2 Hands of Brontes are spawned, the Sage pulls the tank away from the Hand to the opposite side, causing the Hand to point its slam attack into the raiding party, knocking all involved away from their respective fingers. The Sage, along with the rest of the raiding party, are very likely to be killed by this major disruption of proper fight mechanics.
First known perpetrator and victim: Seav (RS) and tank Adym (along with, indirectly, the entire raiding party)
Difficulty Level: None
Danger Level: High, likely Fatal
Type 13: "You're Out Of Time"
In the Dread Palace battle with Dread Master Calphayus, when he casts Visions of the Past and Future to open up the blue and orange portals, the Sage selects a victim from the other portal and pulls him or her out of that portal. With proper timing, the victim is left in the present with no portal to enter, and is summarily killed by the failed fight mechanic. (Alternately, this could be done in HM on the second portal phase, leaving the victim not able to enter the Sage's portal nor able to get back to the other in time.)
First known perpetrator and victim: Dianiss and Nadana
Difficulty Level: None
Danger Level: None

Type 14: "Inevitable Distortion"
During the Dread Palace encounter with Dread Master Calphayus in HM, the Sage uses the combination of Calphayus' cast of Inevitability on a tank with the cast of Distorted Perceptions by pulling the tank with the debuff into (or through) the large red circle. This is especially easy and effective if the Sage is the target of Distorted Perceptions.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: None (opportunistic positioning required)
Danger Level: None
Type 15: "The Hot Shower"
In the Eternity Vault encounter with Gharj, there are lava-falls that flow from the ceiling. If the Sage lines up directly opposite one of these falls from the victim, and pulls the victim THROUGH the lava-fall, then the victim is killed instantly, with no risk to the Sage (other than being out in the lava).
First known perpetrator and victim: ISkipRocks (Beats) and Junei (Jomae)
Difficulty Level: Low (optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: Moderate

Type 15a: "The Hot Bath"
In the Eternity Vault encounter with Gharj, the Sage can pull a victim out into the lava that makes up most of the floor, then use Force Speed (and self-healing) to quickly return to safety. The victim, on the other hand, must run back to safe land before the stacking debuff drains his or her health to zero.
Inventor: Beats
Difficulty Level: Low (optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: Moderate
Type 15b: "The Quick Bath"
This is identical to Type 15a above, except that the Sage uses Phase Walk to instantly return to safety.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: Low (optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: Low

Type 16: "Showing Them The Door"
During the Dread Palace encounter with Dread Master Tyrans, the Sage stands near the entrance/exit of the room and attempts a Type-6 Pull of the victim. If properly executed, the victim is thrown behind the Sage into the fire that covers the doorway and is killed instantly.
Inventor: Beats
Difficulty Level: High
Danger Level: None

Type 17: "Force Res-cue-tion"
During the Dread Palace encounter with Dread Master Raptus, the Sage waits for Raptus to cast Force Execution (popularly known as the "Bow-tie" attack), then pulls the victim over and/or into the large red circle that appears at the end of the cast. If used in HM, the victim will be killed instantly.
Inventor: Beats
Difficulty Level: Low (optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: Low
Type 18: "See The Light"
In the final boss fight of Temple of Sacrifice HM, the Sage pulls the victim through the beam of light in the center of the fight area, killing the victim.
Inventor: Vaes
First known perpetrator and victim: Nadana and Aenye (Vaes)
Difficulty Level: Low (optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: None
Type 19: "Meet Kel'sara"
In the second encounter of Terror from Beyond, when a victim is being chased by Kel'sara, the Sage pulls the victim within range of Kel'sara allowing her to kill the victim.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: Low
Danger Level: None
Type 20: "Trouble Destruction"
In the second encounter of Explosive Conflict, when Stormcaller's tank is repositioning behind two other players during the Double Destruction case, the Sage who is far enough away can simply pull one of those other players out from in front of the tank at the end of the cast, causing the tank to get the related debuff and immediately after be killed by Stormcaller's next normal attack.
Inventor: Dianiss
Difficulty Level: Low (optimal positioning required)
Danger Level: None

Total Unique Types: 20
Total Variant Types: 28