
Class: Jedi Consular / Sage Healer
Race: Arkanian-Human Offshoot (in-game: Human)
Age: ~ 41
Alignment: Light
Crew Skill: Diplomacy, BioChem
Character Concept:
A Jedi Master Diplomat with a unique look to simulate an Arkanian

Jedi Master Gynniss Jethos is a full-time Jedi diplomat, and a sitting member of the Jedi Council of Reconciliation. She is well-known for her persuasive skills (both with and without using the Force) and for her disdain for the use of combat to resolve conflicts; she much prefers negotiation and diplomacy instead. As a result of her diplomatic accomplishments, she had a well-earned reputation for being wise and fair.

She also has a well-earned reputation for being a very serious and demanding Padawan Master, insisting on the highest standards of control and discipline from her students, and impressing upon them the profound responsibility that comes with being able to wield the power of the Force. She has little patience for silliness and no tolerance at all for dabbling with the dark side. As a result, her students have often gone on to become some of the most skilled healers in the Order.

This, of course, created friction between her and some of the other Masters where the training of Padawan Dianiss was concerned, and Master Gwyniss argued vehemently against the highly-permissive way the Order chose to train her, flatly refusing to be a part of it.

Although it is not widely known, she was actually the 15th Arkanian-Offshoot clone made from the Arkanian Jedi Master Arca Jeth's DNA by Antos Wyrick, and one of the few that developed into a Force-sensitive, despite only sharing 25% of his genetic code.

Origin of the name:
An amalgamation of the Welch word "Gwyn" (which doubles as a common female name) and the German word "Weiss", which both mean "white".

The name "Jethos" originated as her laboratory name: Specimen "Jeth:Osk" (because "Osk"--like the letter O--is the 15th letter in the Aurebesh alphabet) was a shorthand for "Arca Jeth Clone #15". As a toddler first learning to speak, she would mispronounce it as "Jethos"--and by the time the Jedi took her in as a youngling, it had become her de-facto surname.

Origin of the Costume:
WHITE . . . to match her ultra-pale skin, white hair and white eyes, to give her a stark, striking image. I experimented with some sets that were natively white (Last Handmaiden, Atris, etc.), but eventually sprung for a White/White dye module in a Remulus Dreypa's Cloak to get the look I wanted, along with Atris' Lower Robe (skirt) which has a nice clean wrinkle-free appearance.

While all of my sages are reasonably capable of changing back and forth between healing and DPS roles, Gwyniss' all-white outfit is one of the reasons she is primarily a healer. (She does have a secondary outfit that's white/red for DPS spec.)
  • Gwyniss was the "Free Level-60 Character" I ended up creating. I felt a little weird that I'd created a Jedi Master who doesn't have the "Master xxxx" title (and has no way of getting it!), and probably wouldn't have done it if I'd known that in advance.
  • But since I was making a new character and wasn't missing any advanced classes (on the Republic side, anyway), I figured that I might as well do another Sage. Hey, I like 'em!  Plus, aren't Sages supposed to be Diplomats?  It's right there in the Codex!
  • I also had a concept for an important character in an upcoming section of Power and Betrayal, where I wanted a particular type of antagonist for Dianiss within the Jedi order, since she already has a lot of allies. Having another Sage in a position of authority who primarily does the same job Dianiss does--but strongly disapproves of Dianiss' behavior--works out nicely for what I need.