
Class: Jedi Consular / Sage Healer
Race: Human
Age: ~ 23
Alignment: Light
(but with a frighteningly-serious dark side streak)
Crew Skill: Synthweaving Biochem
Character Concept:
The contradiction of a Light-side Jedi healer who is also borderline nymphomaniac
Important Relationships:
- Zedemm (her half-brother)
- Kari'arra (a childhood friend)
- Zarvell (her father)
- Sianid (her mother)
- Casei (her Padawan Master)

Dianiss was born inside the Empire, and as the daughter of two powerful Sith Inquisitors she demonstrated an astonishingly powerful connection to the Force at a very young age--powerful enough that there were whispers and rumors about "special programs" that she'd be a natural for. While her mother encouraged this (even teaching her to cast rudimentary lightning at 4 years old), her father was skeptical about it due to the way events were unfolding for his son Zedemm. Also, the more he inquired as to what these "special programs" entailed, the darker the details he learned were. After all, the Sith never train those more powerful than themselves--they use them instead.

Dianiss was only 8 years old when Zedemm suffered his debilitating injury, and Zarvell arranged to have both of them smuggled into the Republic and into the care of the Jedi. On Tython, she grew up as any other Jedi youngling did, with the possible exceptions of the need to discourage her from demonstrating the trick that "mommy taught me" to the others and a tendency to spend much more time than most with the Twi'leks in the nearby village. As a Padawan to the Jedi Consular Casei, she took up the discipline of healing and proved to be quite a prodigy at it--and found that it complemented her sunny disposition.

However, all the years of separation from her loving father left her with an unresolved longing for attention and affection, which as a young adult lead her to become rather aggressive when it comes to seeking out intimacy and physical contact. By itself, this might not be an issue, but the Jedi teachings about avoiding attachments complicate the matter. While anyone who knows her knows that she's truly caring and kind, her tendencies to pursue very shallow and/or short-lived relationships are recognized by all as easily her most "un-Jedi" trait. Her interest in and familiarity with Twi'lek culture (particularly the overt sexuality of Twi'lek females) simply makes that trait impossible to miss.

Today, she goes along on dangerous combat missions wherever the Jedi need a strong healer, and in between she's a frequent visitor to the clubs on Nar Shadda.

Origin of the name:
Dianiss was originally named "Diane" on the Zez-Kai Ell server, but I was forced to rename her in the migration to Canderous Ordo. "Diane" is a name I commonly use in video games when I create a female avatar. Had I been born a girl, I'd have been named Theresa Diane Zechman, and "Diane" is similar enough to my real name.
She became "Dianiss" because it sounds like "Dionysus" the Greek god of wine and partying--an allusion to her wild nature.
The first syllable is pronounced "Dye" rather than "Dee", but it will sound like "Dee" when spoken by those with the "Imperial" accent (Zedemm, Zarvell, Sianid, etc.)
Origin of the Costume:
As a healer, she wears white to evoke the image of a nurse. But as you may have seen, she takes it a step too far into "naughty nurse" territory with the Slave Girl Bottom--(also colored white) matched with the Elegant Dress--making her appear to be perpetually running around in just her panties.
Her lightsaber uses a Magenta (pink) crystal and the Elegant Focus Lightsaber hilt, which also matches with her outfit perfectly.
At this point, her outfit has become so iconic that there needs to be a GOOD reason for me to change it.

In DPS spec, she wears red rather than white, in a similar outfit.

UPDATE: Having said that, Dianiss DID, in fact, undergo a temporary change in outfit, saber crystal and behavior as a result of events that occurred in Sianid Ascendant, posted elsewhere on this site. I won't say any more than that so as not to give away any spoilers.
  • Dianiss was my second character, and became my main by accident, simply because I unexpectedly discovered that I really enjoy the role of healer.
  • Vanity, thy name is Zechman. As a female version of me, she shares my brown eyes, dark hair, thick eyebrows, side-parted bangs, and ponytail.
  • Her family and closest friends call her by the nickname "Annie".
  • The added reference to Casei is a nod to the fact that I really did learn a lot about Sage healing from him (including taking the time to introduce me to one of HIS mentors), and this is my thank-you.
  • Her lightsaber, with it's pink-looking magenta crystal, is called her "Hello Kitty" saber.
  • "Hello Kitty", BTW, is a little nod to Mrs. Zechman, who is in real life a big Hello Kitty fan, despite the fact that she's not a 4-year-old Japanese girl.
  • Dianiss loves to hug people.
  • I originally leveled Dianiss as a Synthweaver, but later discovered that it's helpful for a serious raiding character to be a Biochem (for the reusable stims/adrenals/medpacks). Since her cookbook didn't really have anything I couldn't live without (Y'know, like 51 and a few 56 items!), I decided to switch her over and convert another non-raiding character to Synthweaving in her place.