Power and Betrayal: Prologue

Tython: 12 years ago

"Younglings, it's time to settle down." Annanya said. "Today we are honored with a visit to Tython from Master Kinnan Sig-Lapp, from the First Knowledge Council. He is here taking time out from his work with the Jedi Explorer Corps to talk to you about the Force and how we are connected to it. Master Sig-Lapp...?"

"Thank you, Master Annanya." he said, walking to the front of the classroom. "It's always a pleasure to meet the future of the Jedi Order. And believe me, you Initiates are at a very exciting age right now. It's right around this age--the beginning of adolescence--when your natural connection to the Force matures to the level where we can really start to train you to use it. Also, thanks to some scientific discoveries, we can start to measure your potential and your progress very precisely.

"You see," he continued, "every living thing has SOME connection to the Living Force, and that connection goes all the way down to the micro-cellular level. There are living, symbiotic organelles inside the cells of every sentient being. And in a few . . . unusual sentients--like us--there can be an unusually high number of symbiotes in our cells. These symbiotes are a strong factor, though by no means the only factor, in predicting how strong of a connection you will have to the F--"

At that moment, he looked down to see a young human girl with long brown hair pulled into two large pigtails. He didn't remember her being seated there when he first began speaking, but he did know for certain that she had not come in late. He was about to dismiss the oddity of the situation and continue, but for some reason the other younglings were all giggling like something funny had just happened.

Taking a moment to stop and find his center, he was able to clear away the fog of the last few moments of his mind, and realize--almost to his horror--what just happened. A vague memory of the girl walking in. A mild scolding for being late.

A passionate, and VERY convincing assurance that she had NOT come in late.

His heartfelt agreement.

"Did you . . . just . . . ?"

"DIANISS!" Annanya shouted from the back of the room as she re-entered. The laughter stopped immediately. "Apologize to Master Sig-Lapp RIGHT NOW!"

Kinnan was barely listening as the little girl bowed her head and said something by way of apology. Instead, he was reaching out with his feelings to see the Force presence of everyone in the classroom.

Master Annanya's aura was easily distinguished. She was the only other adult in the room, and clearly a trained Jedi Master. Of the students, he mostly saw what he expected to see: auras with varying degrees of brightness, with the older ones mostly being stronger than the younger ones.

But the girl with the pigtails. . . she was something altogether different, something he'd never seen before. "Miss Dianiss, was it? You are forgiven. But I'll tell you this now: how you use the Force is even more important than how easily you use the Force. This is NOT the way to impress me."

...except, he had to admit to himself, that this was a lie. He was impressed that a youngling could actually pull off a successful Mind-trick on a Jedi Master, and made a mental note to watch her.

"Now then, as I was starting to say, before you begin your Initiate trials, we will be taking a small blood sample--similar to the one taken when you first came to Tython. We've recently discovered a better way of studying it, and the results will be used to help individualize your training--and to help the Jedi Order understand the Force even better than we do today . . . ."


"Master Kiwiiks?" he shouted down the corridor, and broke into a short jog to catch up to her.

"Yes, Master Sig-Lapp?" she answered.

"I have a question about the students' test results. Do you have a moment?"

"Of course. Walk with me." As the two of them walked briskly toward the students' dormitories, he took out a datapad and called up the list. "I apologize for the haste," she continued, "but apparently there's been an accident with one of the students . . . apparently 'juggling' lightsabers . . . in his underwear." She shook her head in disbelief. "Never a dull moment."

Kinnan could not suppress a laugh. "I guess not. I wanted to ask you: one of the names is missing from the list. A girl named . . . if I recall correctly . . . Dianiss?"

Kiwiiks stopped dead in her tracks.

She paused for a moment before answering. "Her test results were inconclusive."

"I . . . don't understand. It's been a week. Surely you've had enough time to--"

"Listen: I reviewed the data myself, and her results were completely inconsistent with all the other students. Clearly, the sample had been contaminated, so we rejected the results as invalid and removed her name from the list."

"Can I see the raw data? It could be important to my research."

She paused again.

"Kinnan, you really should just drop this."

"But . . . why?"

"Let me rephrase myself." she said, with a stern look. "Drop. It. Consider this a direct order from the High Council."


A few hours later, Kinnan entered the archives quietly and found one of the private terminals where he could close the door.

"Access Force Symbiote blood test results, most recent Initiate class."

The computer pulled up the report that he had already seen. He confirmed that Dianiss' name was missing from the list.

Hmmm...let's see a few individual results, he thought to himself.

"Show individual result details for . . . Galadina."

Initiate Galadina results: Average 8,617 SpC

"Show individual result details for . . . Kendsel."

Initiate Kendsel DeReyna results: Average 10,454 SpC

"Show individual result details for . . . Languss."

Initiate Languss Tuno results: Average 3,115 SpC

"Show individual result details for . . . Tangress."

Initiate Tangress results: Average 9,166 SpC

"Show individual result details for . . . Vingar."

Initiate Vingar Horn results: Average 7,775 SpC

"Show individual result details for . . . Dianiss."

Initiate Dianiss results: Not found

He took a deep breath, knowing that this was the point of no return.

"Access level elevation: Kinnan Sig-Lapp, Jedi Council. Passcode: We must learn to defeat the Emperor"

Access recognized: Master Kinnan Sig-Lapp, Jedi Council of First Knowledge

"Show individual result details for . . . Dianiss."

Initiate Dianiss results: CLASSIFIED: by Jedi High Council, Master Satele Shan
Open document?

"Open document."

Access Granted

Initiate Dianiss results: Average 16,784 SpC, with high variance. See attached report notes.

"View attached report notes."

Access Granted

Footnote: <Kiwiiks> Subject possesses extremely high Force symbiote levels that appear to manifest as at least two highly-distinct variations that, depending on circumstances, could work in concert or in opposition to each other. Depending on testing methodology, symbiote counts vary from approximately 3000 SpC (assuming opposition) to approximately 17,000 (counting only those that appear active), to--theoretically--well over 35,000 if all Symbiotes of all types are included. This result is technically consistent with subject's earliest tests from age 8, if we assume that Master Sig-Lapp's new detection method accounts for the discovery of the "other" symbiotes in the current test results that were not found then.

Footnote: <Shan> Considering Dianiss' background and the research information provided by her father, it is likely that this second set of Symbiotes is the manifestation of the Sith sorcery that was used during her conception. If the 35K number is correct (if it is even POSSIBLE), this represents the potential to become a serious threat. More study is warranted, but these results should be immediately classified on a need-to-know basis along with her other background and origin files. Dianiss must not learn of these results if we are to be able to train her normally.

Footnote: <Kiwiiks> We have repeated the tests in concert with instructing the subject to practice telekinetic abilities while we observe the reaction of the live blood samples in real-time. The results are even more confusing, attached here. Under normal circumstances, we observe what we are labeling as the "Type-B" symbiotes to be passively attacking the "Type-A" symbiotes, which appear to be resilient to the attacks. When the subject is using the Force, the attacks of the Type-B's temporarily cease. Our current theory is that the Type-A's are the naturally-occurring symbiotes, while the Type-B's are not naturally-occurring and indicative of an unknown presence dwelling within the subject.

Footnote: <Kiwiiks> On a hunch, I pulled a fresh sample from subject's biological sibling and re-tested. Sibling's average symbiote density is 4,224 Symbiotes per Cell, and the sample contains nothing resembling the Type-B Symbiotes.

Footnote: <Kiwiiks> Anomaly Observed: In one case where the subject was becoming agitated and frustrated, the telekinetic abilities presented as exponentially higher than ever previously observed. During that particular test, the Type-B's appeared to be active along side the Type-A's, strengthening them rather than attacking them.

Footnote: <Shan> That settles it. These so-called Type-B symbiotes are clearly of the dark side, and we must do everything we can to discourage her use of them in this way. I have already spoken to Masters Casei and Annanya about taking on Dianiss as a Padawan when the time comes, and I am entrusting both of them with access to the classified files on Dianiss so that they can prepare. Personally, I hope she decides that she wants to learn healing rather than advanced lightsaber combat, and I think we should encourage this. Dabbling with the dark side is dangerous for ANY of us, but it appears that it is ESPECIALLY critical that Dianiss stay on the path of the light. As a healer, she'll have far less temptation.

Footnote: <Kiwiiks> We tried combining small amounts of the subject's sample with samples from several other subjects. In every case, the Type-B's quickly devour any other symbiotes present. Clearly the natural defenses of the subject's Type-A symbiotes are a property unique to this individual.

Footnote: <Church> What have I gotten myself into?

"List background and origin files for Initiate Dianiss."

Access Granted

The screen showed a short listing of data files including all the usual things like known family history, basic medical information, training reports, disciplinary reports (quite a few of those, actually), and the like. None of them went back more than about 5 years. Two unique files caught his eye: one labeled "Holomessage 2", and another labeled "Angel Protocol".

"Play Holomessage 2"

Access Granted

As the holo-display came to life, he saw the simple blurred image of a man speaking, indicating an audio-only recording.

"Hello, this is Zarvell again. No doubt you've already seen the message into which this coded message was hidden, so I'll be brief."

"My reasons for sending Zedemm to you, while true, are also a cover story for his benefit. I apologize for the deception, but you'll soon understand its necessity. What you need to know is that Dianiss is . . . extraordinary. I've included as much research as I've been able to accumulate on what was done to her with this message. The thing you must know--and keep secret--is that she is more than just powerful. To the Sith and to the Empire, she is nothing more than a weapon."

"But to me, and I hope to you, she is--"

A forceful knock at the door interrupted him, and he quickly stopped the playback and blanked the screen.

The door opened to reveal a scowling Master Bela Kiwiiks. "Master Sig-Lapp, please shut down your terminal and come with me. Grand Master Shan would like an urgent word with you." Her emphasis on the words "Grand Master" was not lost on him.

"Of course." he replied.


"Master Satele, I was well within my rights to access those files." Kinnan's defensive tone as he entered the Council Chamber was painfully obvious. "The High Council is co-equal among the four Jedi councils, and the Council of First Knowledge has the ultimate responsibility for--"

"No one is disputing this, Master Kinnan." Satele Shan, seated at the Council table, was the picture of serenity, as usual. "The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the most responsible use of this information."

He nodded his head in respect. "This girl could be the key to defeating the Emperor himself. The more we can learn about her, the better."

"Master Kinnan, you may be right on that point. But our first duty is to train her as a Jedi, and to do that, she must not be singled out as different from the others. The reason she is with us at all is because the Sith would have exploited her as a weapon. We cannot allow that." She looked him directly in the eyes. "We will not do that ourselves."

"My work on learning to purge the darkness from our Sith enemies could advance much faster with her help. She's more similar to the Emperor than I thought possible. And, to be frank, purging this presence from her may well be the solution to both of our problems."

Satele paused to consider his words before responding. "She is not a problem. She is a little girl--admittedly, one who carries a great burden--but through no fault of her own. The decision has already been made to teach her to carry that burden, as a Jedi. When she is an adult, and a Knight, she can make her own decision about assisting you with this research. Until then, it would not be appropriate to make that choice for her, nor to compel her to cooperate.

Satele stood up. "I trust you will honor your responsibilities as a member of the Council of First Knowledge, and respect the sensitive nature of this information. In the wrong hands, this knowledge makes her a target, and puts her--and everyone around her--in danger."

"Of course. But mark my words: That girl is going to be trouble." he replied.

"Great potential always is."

Behind the Scenes:
* A new story begins! As before, I'll be writing and posting as I go along, and updating the thread title as I post more.
* One thing that will be different about this story is that I'm trying to get away from the use of companion characters this time.
* Master Kinnan Sig-Lapp is a new character that I may or may not create in-game.
UPDATE: I did create him in-game. It's unlikely I'll level him to 55, but he does act as my replacement Synthweaver for Dianiss, so that I could convert her to Biochem. I'll add him to the Zechman Legacy thread sometime soon.
* I tried to read up on the subject, and while it seems that Old Republic-era Jedi knew about midi-chlorians, it's not very clear how much they knew. So I decided to interpret it as though it is a relatively new discovery (actually re-discovery) in this time period.
* Much like I used blue text to indicate holo-communications, green text is an indicator of computer screen data.
* It's implied, but not stated outright, that Master Annanya is not yet a member of the Jedi High Council at this time.
* I do try to stay accurate to the in-game locations, but a private data terminal was really necessary for the story. Plus, I'd already established the existence of one in Sianid Ascendant. (At least the Jedi Temple on Tython does have classrooms...and even a Lore Object in one of them!)
* This is the first appearance of a Surname for Kendsel, and it is a deliberate nod to Reyeenaa.
* Some other names he queries do NOT have Surnames because they are unknown: Galadina was an orphan; Tangress is Cathar and family names aren't well understood; Dianiss' (and Zedemm's) origins are kept secret to make it harder to track her down.
* (Psssst. Zarvell and his children share a family name of 'Zechman'...don't tell anyone.)
* I've used some known Legacy names as family names where I thought it made sense (Church, Horn, Yaya). If anyone would like their character to have a different family name, let me know. I'll edit accordingly.
* "Holomessage 2" comes from The Boulder Incident, where you can read the entirety of it.
* Satele Shan prefers to be called by her first name, and so addresses Kinnan the same way.
* And the first RetCon has already happened: In further reading, I learned that the Jedi Explorer Corp is actually part of the Jedi Reassignment Council and not the Council of First Knowledge. So I had to change Kinnan's introduction a smidgen. (It's not the sort of thing that Master Annanya would get wrong, nor did I want to re-write it as him correcting her.)
* And the second: I messed up Initiate Tuno's full name.
* And the third: As a result of the 2016 "Dark vs. Light" Event and the creation of the "Little Dianiss" character, I altered the description of young Dianiss here from having a ponytail (like adult Dianiss does) to having pigtails so that the description here matches the in-game character.
Notes from the Future:
* I mention above that I'm getting away from using companion characters, but of course then I go right ahead and drop Guss Tuno's name in the very first chapter.  I can't help it, the "juggling lightsabers in his underwear" reference from the game was just too good not to use.

Continue to Chapter 1 . . . .