Power and Betrayal: Chapter 8

Tython: Jedi Temple
Master Annanya's Private Quarters
Six days before arrival at Malachor

Since the door was already open, Galadina knocked on the doorframe, uncertain of why she was here. "Master Annanya? You sent for me?"

"Hola, Dear. Please come in." After Galadina came inside, she added, "Have a seat." and waved her hand at the door, causing it to gently close.

"Thank you, Master."

Annanya smiled as Galadina sat down. "Dina, this is not an official meeting, . . . call me Anya. There are a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about, so I'm glad I was able to catch you while you were still on Tython."

"Of course. I'm not leaving for Oricon until tomorrow. What is it?"

"As I'm sure you know, since the tragic loss of Master Kaedan, the High Council has . . . yet another . . . vacant seat that needs to be filled." Anya said with a deep sigh. "I wanted to let you know in advance that your name has been suggested as one of the candidates, and that you will probably be the one who is selected."

"I'm . . . honored. Flattered." Dina responded, then added, "Confused. Not to question the High Council, but . . . me?"

"Yes, YOU. You are a fine warrior, and more importantly you have demonstrated leadership and wisdom that goes beyond your years, along with a deep devotion to the Light--all of the qualities that we look for in a Jedi Master."

"But aren't I . . . I don't know . . . too young?"

"Well, it's true: you would be the youngest High Council member in several hundred years. And while I don't mean to belittle that, ever since the attack on the Temple and the outbreak of war, we've lost so many of our numbers that we haven't always had the luxury of being able to uphold every tradition."

"So . . . you're saying that there are so few Jedi left that even *I* quali--"

"NO. That is NOT what I'm saying." Anya said emphatically. "In fact, that is the opposite of what I'm saying. You're an excellent choice, you've earned this nomination, and I think you'll be a great Jedi Master."

"Thank you." Dina said, while Anya simply sat smiling, quietly, like she was waiting for something. "But . . . there's more, isn't there?"

"You're very perceptive, too. Of course there is. As you might expect, there's more going on here than just your promotion. There almost always is. I can't go into the details right now, but promoting you to the High Council at this time also serves another purpose. You'll find out about it soon, but I wanted you to know . . . FIRST . . . that this isn't THE reason. If anything, it's just the reason for doing it NOW, instead of later."

"Okay, I . . . well no I *don't* understand, actually . . . but I will trust in the wisdom of the Council."

"Thank you, Dear. Trust is very important in what we do. And that brings us to the next reason I wanted to speak with you. I have a secret, and so do you. Considering recent events, . . . and events that are soon to come, . . . it's time that we admitted to each other that those secrets we each have are really one and the same."

"I'm . . . not sure what to say." Dina said, after a moment's pause. The confusion showed on her face.

"Well then I'll go first." Anya answered. "Before Dianiss came into the Order as a youngling, she and her brother Zedemm had been sent here from Dromund Kaas by their father to defect to the Republic. He did this because Di carries a great burden. She's naturally very powerful in the Force, but she is also very unnaturally cursed with the spirit of an ancient Sith Lord within her, along with his unnaturally amplified power. Satele, Casei, and I have been guiding her, helping her, and protecting her secret since before she became a Padawan."

Dina's look of confusion had slowly given way to a look of shock at Anya's candor. But Anya was also dead-on that they both knew this secret and had both been keeping it from each other.

"More recently," Anya continued, "...after our failed attempt to retrieve her on Ilum, you and Zedemm disappeared for a few weeks, only to miraculously return with Di in your company as if nothing whatsoever happened . . . and then for SOME reason you wanted to re-train as a Shadow."

"Yes." Dina said. She was starting to not like where this was going.

"So here's the thing: if you're going to join our little conspiracy to protect Dianiss--and I know that you will--then I'm going to need some honest answers from you, . . . starting with what happened to you on Dromund Kaas."

Dina sighed. This went exactly where she thought this was going, and while she knew that a reckoning with the Jedi Order itself over what had happened was inevitable, she also knew that she wasn't really ready to face this moment--and probably never would be. But it still had managed to catch up to her after all.

It was also not lost on her that Anya had said on Dromund Kaas, sending a subtle but deliberate signal that Anya does know more than she's said, so any attempt to deceive--no matter how well-intentioned--would probably not work. Master Annanya was many things, but a fool was not one of them.  Anya was testing her as well.

Dina found herself consciously trying not to squirm in her seat. She had been a witness to several things that Dianiss' father Zarvell--who was himself a Sith but one who did not embrace the Dark Side and even covertly worked against the Emperor--had made her promise to keep confidential. After a few moments' hesitation, Dina decided that simple honesty would be the best policy.

"Master Annanya, I don't think I can answer that question without breaking a promise, especially when breaking that promise could put someone in danger."

"You mean the promise that Aegis made to Guardian Angel? Oh I assure you, Lord Zarvell is also our ally in this, and we have every reason to protect HIS secrets as well."

Again Dina was visibly shocked at Anya's candor. And whether Anya already knew it or was fishing for confirmation, Dina could tell in Anya's demeanor that it HAD just been confirmed: Zarvell had indeed given Dina instructions for something he called Angel Protocol and assigned her the code name Aegis. How could Anya have known about that?

"Dina, I understand your position better than you know, so let me put your mind at ease." Anya lowered her voice. "We already know about Starlight. Lord Zarvell himself is the one who informed us about what happened in the Sith Temple. We also know that you have the means to contact him now, just like we've had--secretly, of course--since Zedemm and Dianiss first came to the Order.

"Trust is very important in what we do." Anya repeated. "I've explained why I need to know: to protect her from those who would try to use her. Will you trust me now?"

Dina said nothing but nodded her head, while gathering her thoughts.

"Zarvell arranged for the three of us--Zedemm, Kari, and I--to be smuggled into his residence in Kaas City. He had apparently worked out a method of freeing Dianiss from the Sith spirit that was controlling her, and needed our help. Also, I knew it was important for me to go because Kendsel had approached me and shared a vision where I played a pivotal role in the success of this mission, AND what would probably happen if I didn't go."

Anya had a sweet, almost bittersweet, smile at the mention of her former Padawan. Even though he'd failed his trials and left the Order to become a special-ops soldier instead of a Jedi Knight, she remembered him fondly. "You're wise to heed Kendsel's visions. He's so gifted, and yet . . . ."

"I know." Dina interrupted. "He misses you too."

"Thanks, Sweetie."

"So Zarvell had trained an Apprentice in the use of an ancient, forbidden Sith curse that would command the--what are they called? Medicorans?--in a victim's cells to shut down, killing him. He thought that using this on Dianiss while she was still under Lord Kallig's control would disrupt his connection to her--IF she also used the Regeneration Relic that would reverse the command. I was there to protect his Apprentice."

"You mean Denevee." Anya said, nodding her head. "Go on."

"Yes, her. We ALL fought against Dianiss, and it wasn't going well. With Kallig in control, she made Synzia seem like a youngling. There was a moment when Lord Kallig was about to use that same attack on Denevee, and I leaped in to try to deflect it. The next thing I remember was waking up back at his residence. They told me Dianiss was herself again, but was in a coma because of what she did to revive me."

"And what DID she do?"

"Well, I can't really say first-hand. I was . . . incapacitated at the time. I do know that Dianiss used some sort of ancient Sith ritual that forged a strong Force Bond between us. Through THAT, she was able to connect with me in the Force and . . . well, . . . do whatever it was Master Casei did to revive Dianiss when we were on Ilum."

"So this bond you have now . . . how does it affect you? Both of you, I mean."

"It's very much like a Master/Padawan connection, but stronger . . . more intimate. She says she has hints of Miralukan 'sight' now. I can feel her presence, even at long distances. I'm sure I could easily commune with her in the Force. And I can feel her power."

"What about the Sith presence within her?"

"I don't have any of that within me, if that's what you're asking. Zarvell says that it's a bloodline thing--because I'm not a descendant of Kallig like she is."

"Well that's good. The last thing you want is to have to carry THAT burden."

"But I can sense it right along with her, as a part of her. I can also sense--just barely--that she has a similar connection to her mother. Dianiss struggles with the light and the dark, and those simultaneous bonds to me and to her mother just intensify it . . . as if the two of us are each a proverbial angel and devil sitting on her shoulders."

Anya's hand was on her chin, deep in thought. "And your decision to train as a Shadow? For all those years as an Initiate and Padawan, you were adamant that you would be a Guardian. What was it that changed?"

"When I woke up, at Zarvell's residence, I felt different. According to Zarvell, that thing that she did to create the bond between us also bonded her power with mine--HER power, not Kallig--making us both stronger than before. Well, making ME stronger than before, anyway. Using the Force just comes more easily now. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the intensity of my aura is right on par with hers now."

"Yes." Anya said, still deep in thought. "It's subtle, but to someone who's known you a long time, it is noticeable. I would definitely keep that part to yourself, at least for a while--and avoid taking any blood tests."

"I've thought so too. In fact, aside from Zedemm and Zarvell, I haven't told anyone else until now. And I'm sure Dianiss also knows, even without my telling her."

"And the Shadow training? I mean, I know I make it look glamorous, but...."

Dina smiled as Anya's joke broke some of the tension. "With this new-found power, I wanted to learn to control it and use it for more than just speed and precision. Zarvell began my training while Dianiss was still recovering, and of course Zedemm began testing my skills the same way he did when I was a Padawan. When I got back to Tython, I just . . . kept going with it. And like I said . . . it came easily."

"I suspected as much." Anya said, nodding her head and smiling. "You progressed through the lessons awfully quickly. It's not unprecedented for a Jedi to study more than one discipline, but still rare. If you don't mind my asking, what about your lightsaber? Yours looks . . . forgive me, but . . . expertly made, not what a Padawan Shadow would construct."

"Zedemm constructed this new one for me, with some of the components from my old one. It's funny...." Dina said as she pulled it from her belt and held it in one hand, unactivated. "It's as if he'd already designed it long ago--just for me--and only now decided to assemble it. It smaller and lighter than most double-bladed sabers, plus it has a couple of other unique features that he built in. It's a little freaky, actually. It's . . . exactly the weapon I'd want to carry. He calls it Truthseeker."

"It's beautiful. Say what you want about 'Padawan' Zedemm, but he's a master of lightsaber construction, and he didn't learn it here on Tython."

"So, Anya, does that answer your question?"

"Yes, Dear, and thank you. Because of the nomination to the High Council, we couldn't have unanswered questions about your recent activities still hanging over you before you could take the seat. And don't worry: this is all confidential. In fact, anything having to do with Di and the Sith presence inside her is automatically classified. Only the Council and those individuals with need-to-know, like Casei, can see it."

"Okay. And the information about Zarvell . . . ?"

"Angel Protocol is strictly need-to-know, eyes-only. Only Satele, Casei, Bela, myself, . . . and now YOU will have access. Like I said, we have every reason to keep his secrets. The Starlight Sith are really just a rumor, you know." Anya added with a wink.

"What about Zedemm?" Dina asked, surprised that his name was not included. Clearly he knew about his own sister AND father . . . it was through him that Zarvell had arranged for their passage onto Dromund Kaas.

Ayna responded with an audible snort of frustration.  "Well he WOULD have access too, if he weren't so stubborn about his title. But since he's technically still a Padawan, any sort of information like this is off-limits to him. It's really his own doing."

"Ah. Well, that makes sense, I guess. Thank you, Anya."

"Oh, don't thank me yet! I have a job for you, now that you're a part of our little conspiracy. If anything related to Dianiss comes up that involves you, please let me or Casei know about it immediately. Can you do that?"

"Of course."


Tython: Jedi Temple
Chamber of the High Council
Five days before arrival at Malachor

Master Satele looked up to see Master Annanya enter, and then close the door behind her.

"So, Anya, I presume this means you've spoken to her?" Satele's normal calm expression was showing a hint of worry.

"Yes, I did." Anya answered. "I also filed the report, and classified it appropriately. Is this REALLY wise?" Anya's face shared Satele's worry.

"Well, hopefully, it's nothing. But if it's NOT nothing, this way we'll find out sooner rather than later. I hope I'm wrong."

"So do I, but if you're not?"

"Then we'll be ready to act. I just don't want to take any chances where Malachor is concerned."


Tython: Jedi Temple
Master Sig-lapp's Private Quarters
Four days before arrival at Malachor

"Dianiss, are you there? Can you hear me? The signal is awfully weak." In fact, her image on the holodisplay was full of static and distortion.

"Helxo, Kinn+n. Theee's o l0t cf stttic frr me, tto. I cam berlly undeetnnd ycu."

"Yes, I expected as much when I found out that you were on Oricon. Hold on: I'm sending some instructions to your ship droid to help clean up the surface-to-orbital signal."


Kinnan typed a few keys on the console, and in a moment her image cleared up quite a bit.

"Oh, that's much bettrr. Thnkks."

"Not at all. Listen . . . our trip is on schedule, but I don't want to make the same mistake I did on Taris and underestimate the danger. I think we're going to need the assistance of another Jedi who's good with a lightsaber, and preferably someone you can trust."

"You're not brinning Tangress? I thought she'd be comimg along tto."

"Well, for one thing, she's busy working on something else. But more importantly, I don't think that taking HER there is a good idea. She's a bit too . . . volatile for that environment. But still, I'm expecting that we'll have to defend ourselves, so I would feel better if we had a fourth teammate."

"Well thnn, I think I kmow just who to call."


Ilum: Old Jedi Temple
Four days before arrival at Malachor

"So, Kinnan, is your new little toy everything you hoped it would be?"

"Well, Tangress, the gravitational mapping regression simulation is running as expected. I think it might even complete earlier than I'd originally estimated. The other simulation is also running during spare cycles. How goes the little research project?"

"Slowly. You were right--it's the most interesting blood sample data I've ever seen. But without the actual sample, all I can do is run simulations against the data--and YOU'RE already doing that with the Gree computer. So why am I still here?"

"We've made a new friend, and I want to be prepared. I need you to prep some M.F.R. doses with a precise concentration of 8617, and quickly."

Behind the Scenes:
* Jaric Kaedan is one of the Jedi Masters whom you meet as both a Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular. In-game, he is killed during the post-Chapter-3 extended class mission series on Ilum.
* Thanks to Strongholds, a minor RetCon: Zarvell's Residence is IN Kaas City rather than outside it.
* In-game, Zedemm really is an Artifice. The lightsaber Galadina carried as a Guardian was actually custom-crafted by him, and the one she carries now as a Shadow is too. And it is, in fact, a Truthseeker . Both of them say "Made by Zedemm" in the tooltips.
* The "unique features" Dina mentions will come up later in the story.
* "Bela" is Master Bela Kiwiiks, who features prominently in the Jedi Knight storyline.
* M.F.R. will reappear early in the next chapter. But one clue I'll give you until then is that Tangress is a Biochem.
Notes from the Future:
* Starting with this chapter, you'll see timeframes included with the little headings that describe the setting.  That's not an accident.

Continue to Chapter 9 . . . .