
Class: Imperial Agent / Sniper
Race: Chiss
Age: ~ 18 (~27 for humans)
Alignment: Neutral-to-Light
Crew Skill: N/A (Scav/Slic/Dipl)
Character Concept:
A femme fatale covert agent
Important Relationships:
- Zarvell (a friend and ally)

Even Violet'ence herself knows little about her life from before she'd been adopted by Imperial Intelligence--including her own real name. The brainwashing and conditioning that they'd used on her (the "Castellan restraints") had the unfortunate side-effect of wiping a lot of that out, leaving only the advanced training in undercover operations, hand-to-hand combat, advanced weapons, and assassination--and little to nothing of her actual Chiss culture. She was trained to be one thing: lethal.

Her life took a major turning point, however, when she was sent undercover on an operation to seduce Lord Zarvell in order to investigate him as a possible member of the so-called "Starlight Sith". Ultimately she was successful, but not in the way she had expected.

Lord Zarvell became enamored with her, sure enough. But rather than seeing her as a romantic/sexual partner, her resemblance to his own daughter Dianiss led him to see her more as a surrogate daughter, triggering a protective instinct in him. So even though it was within his abilities to use her brainwashing against her to foil her mission, instead he took her under his wing and helped her to break free from her programming using a combination of chemical and Force techniques.

During the process, he made a passing comment about not knowing what to call her, and jokingly suggested "Violet'ence"--which she promptly latched onto and adopted.

Though she can be a bit too "ethically flexible" (as Zarvell puts it), she does fundamentally believe in loyalty. And because Zarvell had helped her and continues to look out for her, in return she is fiercely loyal to him--perhaps the only Sith she has ever been able to trust--and plies her trade on his behalf any time he asks (and occasionally even when he doesn't). Plus, she has learned to admire his very Chiss-like nobility and intellectual sensibility.

Today, in the wake of the dissolution of the Ministry of Intelligence, she operates as a Cipher Agent and Imperial Assassin under the patronage of the Sphere of Mysteries (and of Lord Zarvell himself). She loves her work, almost as much as she loves making Lord Zarvell uncomfortable with her flirtatious advances and dark sense of humor.

Origin of the name:
A mash-up of "Violet" (a common name and reference to her blue skin color) and "Violence" (an allusion to her deadliness), as if it weren't obvious.

I am familiar with the canonical formation of Chiss names (Thanks, Vin!), but I did compromise a bit to get something that wasn't so unwieldy and made it a part of her backstory.

Origin of the Costume:
Though one could argue that I already did this with Dianiss, I planned from the start for Violet to be a seductress, so I tried to work up a costume as sexy as possible--without it being completely revealing. My thanks go out to Empress Raimarra, who pointed out the Calo Nord set to me. On female characters, the pants and boots look surprisingly attractive.

I REALLY wish they allowed the new hairdo options on non-humans, because I would have liked to use the one for females with the full-bodied long hair. If they ever allow it for Chiss, I'll buy it.
UPDATE: In game version 4.5, they did exactly that! So now Violet has an updated hairdo. HOORAY!

  • I generally refer to her as "Violet" rather than her full name. Her full three-part Chiss name is unknown.
  • Chiss have shorter natural lifespans, and mature to adulthood more quickly. So at age 18, she's more like a 26-year-old human woman.
  • When imagining what she would be like, I think I had a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" vibe in mind, where you have an otherwise nice, likeable girl who happens to have these highly-developed, lethal fighting skills--but with the added layer of sex-appeal and seduction also being among her skills. (Come to think of it, maybe Faith is closer to what I had in mind....)
  • When designing her look, I went through the various options for head, hair, complexion/makeup and picked out the ones I thought were the most attractive (with the noteworthy exception that the hairdo I WANTED wasn't available). When I was done, I realized that I had created a character who looks a lot like a blue-skinned Dianiss. I didn't intend it, but I'm not sorry that it's what resulted. Instead, I worked it into her backstory.